RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Image Analysis of Breast Cancer Immunohistochemistry-stained Sections Using ImageJ: An RGB-based Model JF Anticancer Research JO Anticancer Res FD International Institute of Anticancer Research SP 4995 OP 4998 VO 29 IS 12 A1 VREKOUSSIS, T. A1 CHANIOTIS, V. A1 NAVROZOGLOU, I. A1 DOUSIAS, V. A1 PAVLAKIS, K. A1 STATHOPOULOS, E.N. A1 ZORAS, O. YR 2009 UL http://ar.iiarjournals.org/content/29/12/4995.abstract AB Background: Image analysis of tissue sections using RGB image profiling is a modern accepted technique. Materials and Methods: A new method of RGB analysis, using the freeware ImageJ, is presented which can be applied to sections with either nuclear or cytoplasmic staining. The step-by-step process is presented and the method is tested using breast cancer specimens immunostained for CK-19 and estrogen receptors. Results: This image analysis easily discriminates CK-19 and estrogen receptor positivity in prepared breast cancer specimens. The method is easy to perform, without the need for previous image transformations. Conclusion: Compared to previous methods, this method proved more accurate in estimating the actual colours that an observer recognizes as positive after immunostaining. Further studies are needed to evaluate whether this method is efficient enough to be applied in clinical practice.