PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - TAKAYA, YOSHIHIRO AU - TANAKA, KUNIHIKO AU - HIRAKAWA, CHIASA AU - TAGAWA, YUTAKA AU - NIWA, MASAMI TI - New Method for Separation of Subpopulations from a Heterogeneous Colon Cancer Cell Line DP - 2008 Nov 01 TA - Anticancer Research PG - 3665--3670 VI - 28 IP - 6A 4099 - 4100 - SO - Anticancer Res2008 Nov 01; 28 AB - Background: To understand the heterogeneity of human colon cancers, a new method to separate cancer subpopulations was developed. Materials and Methods: Cells from a human colon cancer cell line, DLD-1, were seeded on an 8 μm pore membrane. After six hours, the cells which remained beneath the membrane as well as the cells which dropped onto the 24-well plate were collected. To clarify the differences between the two subpopulations, transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and immunocytochemistry were evaluated. Results: Two subpopulations, clones D and A, were separated from DLD-1 with the newly developed method. Both subpopulations showed quite different TEER values and different arrangements of cell-cell contact. In addition, the distinct subcellular localizations of claudin family proteins and zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) were identified. Conclusion: A new separation method to isolate colon cancer subpopulations was established in which the intercellular junctions differed. This method can be considered as a helpful tool in the investigation of colon cancer heterogeneity. Copyright© 2008 International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. John G. Delinassios), All rights reserved