PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - HANYU, KEN AU - IIDA, TOMONORI AU - SHIBA, HIROAKI AU - OHASHI, TOYA AU - ETO, YOSHIKATSU AU - YANAGA, KATSUHIKO TI - Immunogene Therapy by Adenovirus Vector Expressing CD40 Ligand for Metastatic Liver Cancer in Rats DP - 2008 Sep 01 TA - Anticancer Research PG - 2785--2789 VI - 28 IP - 5A 4099 - 4100 - SO - Anticancer Res2008 Sep 01; 28 AB - Background: We have explored a gene-therapeutic approach to stimulate antitumor immunity by adenoviral-mediated transfer of CD40 ligand (CD40L) to treat metastatic liver cancer in a rat model. Materials and Methods: Rat metastatic liver cancer cells were implanted into the back of rats bilaterally. When the larger tumor reached 8.0 mm in diameter, adenovirus vector-expressing mouse CD40L was injected intratumorally as treatment group (n=5), while LacZ was injected in the control group (n=5). Results: In the control group, the tumor gradually grew to be 20.7±1.6 (mean±SD) mm in intratumorally injected tumors and 21.8±3.7 mm in opposite tumors seven weeks after injection, respectively. In contrast, in the treatment group, the tumor was reduced to 3.6±8.2 mm and 3.7±8.2 mm. The tumor growth and survival rate were significantly different (p<0.001). Conclusion: Adenovirus vector-mediated CD40L gene therapy is an effective therapeutic method for metastatic liver cancer.