RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 MDM2 T309G Polymorphism is Associated with Bladder Cancer JF Anticancer Research JO Anticancer Res FD International Institute of Anticancer Research SP 3473 OP 3475 VO 26 IS 5A A1 ONAT, ONUR EMRE A1 TEZ, MESUT A1 ÖZÇELIK, TAYFUN A1 TÖRÜNER, GÖKÇE A. YR 2006 UL http://ar.iiarjournals.org/content/26/5A/3473.abstract AB Recently, a functional T to G polymorphism at nucleotide 309 in the promoter region of the MDM2 gene (rs: 2279744, SNP 309) has been identified. This polymorphism has an impact on the expression of the MDM2 gene, which is a key negative regulator of the tumor suppressor molecule p53. The effect of T309G polymorphism of the MDM2 gene on bladder cancer susceptibility was investigated in a case-control study of 75 bladder cancer patients and 103 controls from Turkey. The G/G genotype exhibited an increased risk of 2.68 (95% CI, 1.34-5.40) for bladder cancer compared with the combination of low-risk genotypes T/T and T/G at this locus. These results show an association between MDM2 T309G polymorphism and bladder cancer in our study group. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study reporting that MDM2 T309G polymorphism may be a potential genetic susceptibility factor for bladder cancer. Copyright© 2006 International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. John G. Delinassios), All rights reserved