PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - MURAHASHI, MUTSUNORI AU - TSURUTA, TOSHIHISA AU - YAMADA, KAZUNARI AU - HIJIKATA, YASUKI AU - OGATA, HISANOBU AU - KISHIMOTO, JUNJI AU - YOSHIMURA, SACHIKO AU - HIKICHI, TETSURO AU - NAKANISHI, YOICHI AU - TANI, KENZABURO TI - Clinical Trial of a Cancer Vaccine Targeting VEGF and KIF20A in Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer AID - 10.21873/anticanres.14907 DP - 2021 Mar 01 TA - Anticancer Research PG - 1485--1496 VI - 41 IP - 3 4099 - 4100 - SO - Anticancer Res2021 Mar 01; 41 AB - Background: As the prognosis of biliary tract cancer (BTC) is extremely poor and treatment options are limited, new treatment modalities are urgently needed. We designed a phase II clinical trial to investigate the immune responses and clinical benefits of OCV-C01, an HLA-A*24:02–restricted three-peptide cancer vaccine targeting VEGFR1, VEGFR2, and KIF20A. Patients and Methods: Participants were patients with advanced BTC who had unresectable tumours and were refractory to standard chemotherapy. OCV-C01 was injected weekly until the discontinuance criteria were met. Results: Six participants, including four patients positive for HLA-A*24:02, were enrolled in this study for assessment of efficacy. Four out of six patients exhibited vaccine-specific T-cell responses to one or more of three antigens. Log–rank tests revealed that vaccine-specific T cell responses contributed significantly to overall survival. Conclusion: The cancer vaccine had positive effects on survival, indicating that this approach warrants further clinical studies.