PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - YAMANAKA, NAOKI AU - SASAKI, NOBUHIKO AU - TASAKI, AKIRA AU - NAKASHIMA, HIROSHI AU - KUBO, MAKOTO AU - MORISAKI, TAKASHI AU - NOSHIRO, HIROKAZU AU - YAO, TAKASHI AU - TSUNEYOSHI, MASAZUMI AU - TANAKA, MASAO AU - KATANO, MITSUO TI - Nuclear Factor-Î B p65 is a Prognostic Indicator in Gastric Carcinoma DP - 2004 Mar 01 TA - Anticancer Research PG - 1071--1076 VI - 24 IP - 2C 4099 - 4100 - SO - Anticancer Res2004 Mar 01; 24 AB - Background: In common with other investigators, we have reported the constitutive activation of transcription factor nuclear factor-Î B (NF-Î B) in a variety of carcinomas, but there is no definite information on its clinical significance. Materials and Methods: NF-Î B p65 activation was determined by immunohistochemical analysis of surgically resected specimens from 63 gastric carcinomas. The 63 patients were divided into a high NF-Î B group (21 patients) and a low NF-Î B group (42 patients). Forty-seven of the 63 patients underwent curative resection. The 47 patients consisted of 13 high NF-Î B patients and 34 low NF-Î B patients. Results: The high NF-Î B group demonstrated a shorter overall survival rate compared with the low NF-Î B group (p=0.015). In the 47 patients who underwent curative resection, the high NF-Î B group also showed a poor survival prognosis (p=0.032). Multivariate analysis indicated that NF-Î B activation is a potential prognostic factor in gastric carcinoma. Conclusion: Constitutive activation of NF-Î B p65 may be a new prognostic parameter in gastric carcinoma. Copyright© 2004 International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. John G. Delinassios), All rights reserved