PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - RUBIO, CARLOS A. AU - SCHMIDT, PETER T. TI - Dissecting the Microscopic Anatomy of Colon Crypts in Non-dysplastic Sessile Serrated Polyps AID - 10.21873/anticanres.13589 DP - 2019 Aug 01 TA - Anticancer Research PG - 4259--4263 VI - 39 IP - 8 4099 - 4100 - SO - Anticancer Res2019 Aug 01; 39 AB - Background/Aim: Sessile serrated polyps (SSP) are characterized by crypts with corrupted shapes (CCS). Materials and Methods: The number of CCS and the lateral size of 60 non-dysplastic SSP (NDSSP) were investigated. Results: Out of 60 NDSSP, 34 were small (≤9 mm) and 26, large (≥10 mm). In total, 1,101 CCS were recorded: 547 CCS were connected to the lumen (CCSL) and 554 CCS were not (CCSNL). The lateral size of NDSSP, the total number of CCS and the number of CCSNL were significantly higher in large NDSSP than in small NDSSP. Conversely, the number of CCS connected to the lumen/mm (CCSL/mm) and of crypts with normal shapes connected to the lumen/mm (CCSNL/mm), were significantly lower in large NDSSP than in small NDSSP. Conclusion: The lateral expansion of large NDSSP ensues via increased numbers of CCS at the expense of a decreased number of both CCSL/mm and CCSNL/mm.