RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Electroinduced Delivery of Hydrogel Nanoparticles in Colon 26 Cells, Visualized by Confocal Fluorescence System JF Anticancer Research JO Anticancer Res FD International Institute of Anticancer Research SP 4601 OP 4606 VO 36 IS 9 A1 ATANASOVA, SEVERINA A1 NIKOLOVA, BILIANA A1 MURAYAMA, SHUHEI A1 STOYANOVA, ELENA A1 TSONEVA, IANA A1 ZHELEV, ZHIVKO A1 AOKI, ICHIO A1 BAKALOVA, RUMIANA YR 2016 UL http://ar.iiarjournals.org/content/36/9/4601.abstract AB Background: Nano-scale drug delivery systems (nano-DDS) are under intense investigation. Nano-platforms are developed for specific administration of small molecules, drugs, genes, contrast agents [quantum dots (QDs)] both in vivo and in vitro. Electroporation is a biophysical phenomenon which consists of the application of external electrical pulses across the cell membrane. The aim of this study was to research electro-assisted Colon 26 cell line internalization of QDs and QD-loaded nano-hydrogels (polymersomes) visualized by confocal microscopy and their influence on cell viability. Materials and Methods: The experiments were performed on the Colon 26 cancer cell line, using a confocal fluorescent imaging system and cell viability test. Results: Electroporation facilitated the delivery of nanoparticles in vivo. We demonstrated increased voltage-dependent delivery of nanoparticles into cells after electrotreatment, without significant cell viability reduction. Conclusion: The delivery and retention of the polymersomes in vitro is a promising tool for future cancer treatment strategies and nanomedcine.