PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - ATANASOVA, SEVERINA AU - NIKOLOVA, BILIANA AU - MURAYAMA, SHUHEI AU - STOYANOVA, ELENA AU - TSONEVA, IANA AU - ZHELEV, ZHIVKO AU - AOKI, ICHIO AU - BAKALOVA, RUMIANA TI - Electroinduced Delivery of Hydrogel Nanoparticles in Colon 26 Cells, Visualized by Confocal Fluorescence System DP - 2016 Sep 01 TA - Anticancer Research PG - 4601--4606 VI - 36 IP - 9 4099 - 4100 - SO - Anticancer Res2016 Sep 01; 36 AB - Background: Nano-scale drug delivery systems (nano-DDS) are under intense investigation. Nano-platforms are developed for specific administration of small molecules, drugs, genes, contrast agents [quantum dots (QDs)] both in vivo and in vitro. Electroporation is a biophysical phenomenon which consists of the application of external electrical pulses across the cell membrane. The aim of this study was to research electro-assisted Colon 26 cell line internalization of QDs and QD-loaded nano-hydrogels (polymersomes) visualized by confocal microscopy and their influence on cell viability. Materials and Methods: The experiments were performed on the Colon 26 cancer cell line, using a confocal fluorescent imaging system and cell viability test. Results: Electroporation facilitated the delivery of nanoparticles in vivo. We demonstrated increased voltage-dependent delivery of nanoparticles into cells after electrotreatment, without significant cell viability reduction. Conclusion: The delivery and retention of the polymersomes in vitro is a promising tool for future cancer treatment strategies and nanomedcine.