PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - HAYES, MOSE AU - LAN, CYNTHIA AU - YAN, JINGSHENG AU - XIE, YANG AU - GRAY, TOBY AU - AMIRKHAN, ROBIN H. AU - DOWELL, JONATHAN E. TI - ERCC1 Expression and Outcomes in Head and Neck Cancer Treated with Concurrent Cisplatin and Radiation DP - 2011 Dec 01 TA - Anticancer Research PG - 4135--4139 VI - 31 IP - 12 4099 - 4100 - SO - Anticancer Res2011 Dec 01; 31 AB - Background: Overexpression of excision repair cross complementing group 1 (ERCC1), a DNA repair enzyme, is associated with resistance to cisplatin. Materials and Methods: Tissues from 73 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC) who received concurrent cisplatin and radiation was analyzed immunohistochemically to determine if ERCC1 expression predicted for survival and response. Expression was scored as follows: 0=0% tumor nuclei positive, 1+=<50%, 2+=50-75% and 3+=>75%. Results: ERCC1 expression was 0 in 0%, 1+ (14%), 2+ (42%) and 3+ (44%). In uni- and multivariate analyses, 3+ ERCC1 expression was not a significant predictor of survival or response. Median survival for the ERCC1 3+ patients was 2.9 years versus 2.1 years for the ERCC1 <3+ group (p=0.44). Conclusion: In this retrospective review of HNSCC patients receiving concurrent cisplatin and radiation, ERCC1 expression was not a significant predictor of survival or response.