PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - PEPE, PIETRO AU - ARAGONA, FRANCESCO TI - PCA3 Score <em>vs</em> PSA Free/Total Accuracy in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis at Repeat Saturation Biopsy DP - 2011 Dec 01 TA - Anticancer Research PG - 4445--4449 VI - 31 IP - 12 4099 - 4100 - SO - Anticancer Res2011 Dec 01; 31 AB - Aim. PCA3 score and PSA free/total (F/T) accuracy in PCa diagnosis at repeat saturation prostate biopsy (SPBx) in patients with PSA between 4 and 10 ng/mL was evaluated. Materials and Methods: From October 2009 to September 2011 74 men (median 64 years) with persistent high or increasing PSA values, negative DRE, median PSA values of 8.9 ng/mL and primary negative extended biopsy underwent a SPBx (median 28 cores) for persistent suspicion for PCa. Results: PCA3 &gt;20 and &gt;35, PSA F/T ≤15%, ≤20% and ≤25% identified 25, 21, 18, 23 and 26 out 27 cancer, respectively. PCA3 cut-off of 20 demonstrated the best accuracy with an AUC-ROC curve of 0.73. Conclusion: The NPV equal to 88.9% suggests to use PCA3 cut-off 20 as an exclusion tool; moreover, PCA3 cut-off of 35 combined with PSA F/T ≤15% allows to spare 32.4% of unnecessary repeat biopsies.