RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Fertility-sparing Management of Grade 2 and 3 Endometrial Adenocarcinomas JF Anticancer Research JO Anticancer Res FD International Institute of Anticancer Research SP 3047 OP 3049 VO 31 IS 9 A1 KOSKAS, MARTIN A1 YAZBECK, CHADI A1 WALKER, FRANCINE A1 CLOUQUEUR, ELODIE A1 AGOSTINI, AUBERT A1 RUAT, SANDRINE A1 LUCOT, JEAN PHILIPPE A1 LAMBAUDIE, ERIC A1 LUTON, DOMINIQUE A1 MADELENAT, PATRICK YR 2011 UL http://ar.iiarjournals.org/content/31/9/3047.abstract AB We report four cases of grade 2 and 3 endo-metrial adenocarcinomas managed conservatively in order to preserve fertility. In the literature, seven other cases have been reported. We discuss the management of these cases and compared the carcinologic and fertility outcomes with fertility-sparing management of grade 1 endometrial adenocarcinoma.