Editorial Policy. Recently published books and journals (one copy) are invited by the Editorial Office for announcement and review in ANTICANCER RESEARCH (no fee). Each announcement should include the full title of the publication, authors or editors, the number of pages, price, year of publication, ISBN and publisher. Publishers will be notified upon receipt of books and tear sheets of reviews will be sent after publication. Books will be returned to the sender only if the announcement is rejected. Reviews will be objective and clear regarding the content, quality and usefulness of the publication.
New Experimental Probes for Enzyme Specificity and Mechanism.
Edited by J.P. Richard, G. Moran.
2023, pp 570, USD 169.15, ISBN: 9780443152771.
Academic Press, Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, USA.
New Experimental Probes for Enzyme Specificity and Mechanism, Volume 685, the latest release in the Methods of Enzymology series, highlights new advances in the field with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on a variety of topics including Subverting Hedgehog Protein Autoprocessing by Chemical Induction of Paracatalysis, New Mechanistic Probes to Identify Novel Substrates for N-Myristoyltransferases, Phosphonate and α Fluorophosphonate Analogues of D Glucose 6 Phosphate as Active-Site Probes of 1L-Myo-Inositol 1 phosphate Synthase, Kinetic Mechanism of Nicotine-Degrading Enzyme Probed by Stopped-Flow Kinetic Analyses, Kinetics and Mechanism for Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions of Substrate Pieces, and more.
Additional chapters cover Kinetics and Mechanism for Reactions of Enzyme Pieces, Evaluation of allostery for the bienzyme assembly of a 3-deoxy-D-arabino heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase and chorismate mutase, Recognition and Catalysis of Reactions of Chiral Substrates by Mandelate Racemase, Innovative and emerging modalities of EGFR kinase inhibitors, Characterization of the Aminoacrylate Intermediate of Tyrosine Phenol-Lyases, and much more.
Key Features: Provides the authority and expertise of leading contributors from an international board of authors; Presents the latest release in Methods in Enzymology serials; Updated release includes the latest information on New Experimental Probes for Enzyme Specificity and Mechanism.
Haschek and Rousseaux’s Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology, Volume 2.
Safety Assessment and Toxicologic Pathology.
Edited by W.M. Haschek-Hock, C.G. Rousseaux, M.A. Wallig, B. Bolon.
2023, pp 692, USD 187.50, ISBN: 9780323910521.
Academic Press, Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Haschek and Rousseaux’s Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology, recognized by many as the most authoritative single source of information in the field of toxicologic pathology, has been extensively updated to continue its comprehensive and timely coverage. The fourth edition has been expanded to five separate volumes due to an explosion of information in this field requiring new and updated chapters.
Completely revised with a number of new chapters, Volume 2: Toxicologic Pathology in Safety Assessment is an essential part of the most authoritative reference on toxicologic pathology principles and techniques for assessing product safety and human risk. Volume 2 describes the integration of product-induced structural and functional changes in tissues and the interpretation of their biological implications. Completely revised with many new chapters, Volume 2 of the Fourth Edition covers product safety assessment from many angles including current and emerging issues in toxicologic pathology for many product classes. Volume 2 of the Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology is a key resource for pathologists, toxicologists, research scientists, and regulators who use toxicologic pathology methods to study and make decisions on product safety.
Key Features: Previous chapters on such topics as drug discovery and development, toxicity and carcinogenicity testing, report preparation, and risk assessment and communication have undergone extensive revision that includes in-depth discussion of new developments in the field; New chapters consider fundamental attributes for additional product classes including protein therapeutics, nucleic acid pharmaceutical agents, gene therapy and gene editing, stem cell and other cell therapies, vaccines, agricultural and bulk chemicals, and assigning adversity; Chapters dealing with product-specific practices address pathology and regulatory issues; Chapters offer high-quality and up-to-date content in a trusted work written by the collaborative efforts of many leading international subject matter experts; Hundreds of full-color images and diagrams are featured in both the print and electronic versions of this book to illustrate classic examples and highlight difficult concepts.
Haschek and Rousseaux’s Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology, Volume 3.
Environmental Toxicologic Pathology and Major Toxicant Classes.
Edited by W.M. Haschek-Hock, C.G. Rousseaux, M.A. Wallig, B. Bolon.
2023, pp 972, USD 187.50, ISBN: 9780443161544.
Academic Press, Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Haschek and Rousseaux’s Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology, Fourth Edition, recognized by many as the most authoritative single source of information in the field of toxicologic pathology, has been extensively updated to continue its comprehensive coverage. The fourth edition has been expanded to five separate volumes due to an explosion of information in this field requiring new and updated chapters. Completely revised with a number of new chapters, this book covers the toxicologic pathology of major classes of environmental toxicants. Volumes emphasize the comparative and correlative aspects of normal biology and toxicant-induced dysfunction, principal methods for toxicologic pathology evaluation, and major mechanisms of toxicity.
This series comprises the most authoritative reference on toxicologic pathology for pathologists, toxicologists, research scientists, and regulators studying and making decisions on drugs, biologics, medical devices, and other chemicals, including agrochemicals and environmental contaminants. Each volume is being published separately.
Key Features: Provides updated and revised chapters for in-depth discussions of toxicologic pathology for the protection of the environment and food supplies; Offers high-quality and trusted content in a multi-contributed work written by leading international authorities in all areas of toxicologic pathology; Features hundreds of full-color images in both the print and electronic versions of the book to highlight difficult concepts with clear illustrations.
Atlas of Hybrid Imaging Sectional Anatomy for PET/CT, PET/MRI and SPECT/CT Vol. 1: Brain and Neck.
Edited by M. Leporace, F. Calabria, E. Gaudio, O. Schillaci, A. Ciaccio, A. Bagnato.
2023, pp 196, USD 123.75, ISBN: 9780323904551.
Academic Press, Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, USA.
For the first time, in this atlas nuclear physicians and radiologists cover the entire hybrid nuclear medicine (PET/CT, SPECT/CT and PET/MRI), based on their own case studies. The structure in three volumes represents a user-friendly guide for interpreting PET and SPECT in relation to co-registered CT and/or MRI. Three companion volumes with a practical structure in two-page unit offer to the reader a navigational tool, based on anatomical districts, with labeled and explained low-dose multiplanar CT or MRI views merged with PET fusion imaging on the right hand and contrast enhanced CT or MRI on the other side. This new format enables rapid identification of hybrid nuclear medicine findings which are now routine at leading medical centers.
Volume 1 is focused on brain and neck PET imaging, with emphasis on PET/MRI; Volume 2 concerns thorax, abdomen, and pelvis, with particular attention on lung and liver segmental anatomy and evaluation of peritoneum. Special chapters on heart, lymph nodes and musculoskeletal system, are collected in the Volume 3.
Each chapter begins with three-dimensional CT and/or MRI views of the evaluated anatomical region, bringing forward sectional tables.
Clinical cases, tricks and pitfalls linked to several PET or SPECT radiopharmaceuticals help to introduce the reader to peculiar molecular pathways and to improve confidence in cross-sectional imaging, that is vital for the accurate diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
Key Features: Compact, comprehensive, easy to read guide to sectional imaging and multiplanar evaluation of hybrid PET and SPECT; Includes 856 fully colored, labeled, high quality original images of axial, coronal and sagittal CT, contrast enhanced CT, PET/CT and/or PET/MRI; Displays 200 clinical cases, showcasing both common and unusual findings that nuclear physicians and radiologists could encounter in their clinical practice; Costant orthogonal references on 3D images allow orientation on axial, coronal and sagittal views; Peculiar aspects of 18 PET and SPECT radiopharmaceuticals, defined by distinctive color scales; Terms and descriptions mostly based on Terminologia Anatomica; Specific text boxes explain anatomical variants, radiological advices and physiological findings linked to tracer bio-distribution; Supports interpretation and report of hybrid nuclear medicine scans; For professionals and vocationals.
Atlas of Hybrid Imaging Sectional Anatomy for PET/CT, PET/MRI and SPECT/CT Vol. 2: Thorax Abdomen and Pelvis.
Edited by M. Leporace, F. Calabria, E. Gaudio, O. Schillaci, A. Ciaccio, A. Bagnato.
2023, pp 356, USD 123.75, ISBN: 9780443188152.
Academic Press, Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Atlas of Hybrid Imaging of the Thorax, Abdomen and Pelvis, Volume Two: Sectional Anatomy for PET/CT, PET/MRI and SPECT/CT provides a guide for interpreting PET and SPECT in relation to co-registered CT and/or MRI. In this atlas, exclusively dedicated to thorax, abdomen and pelvis, nuclear physicians and radiologists cover hybrid nuclear medicine based on their own case studies. The practical structure in two-page unit offers readers a navigational tool based on anatomical districts, with labeled and explained low-dose multiplanar CT or MRI views merged with PET fusion imaging on one side and enhanced CT or MRI on the other.
This new format enables the rapid identification of hybrid nuclear medicine findings which are now routine at leading medical centers. Each chapter begins with three-dimensional CT and/or MRI views of the evaluated anatomical region, bringing forward sectional tables. Clinical cases, tricks and pitfalls linked to several PET or SPECT radiopharmaceuticals help introduce the reader to peculiar molecular pathways and improve confidence in cross-sectional imaging that is vital for accurate diagnosis and treatments.
Key Features: Presents a compact, comprehensive, easy-to-read guide on sectional imaging and multiplanar evaluation of hybrid PET and SPECT; Includes more than 200 fully colored, labeled, high quality original images of axial, coronal and sagittal CT, contrast enhanced CT, PET/CT and/or PET/MRI; Displays clinical cases that showcase both common and unusual findings that nuclear physicians and radiologists could encounter in their clinical practice; Provides specific text boxes that explain anatomical variants, radiological advices and physiological findings linked to tracer bio-distribution.
Atlas of Hybrid Imaging Sectional Anatomy for PET/CT, PET/MRI and SPECT/CT Vol. 3: Heart, Lymph Node and Musculoskeletal System.
Edited by M. Leporace, F. Calabria, E. Gaudio, O. Schillaci, A. Ciaccio, A. Bagnato.
2023, pp 290, USD 123.75, ISBN: 9780443188190.
Academic Press, Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Atlas of Hybrid Imaging of the Heart, Lymph Nodes and Musculoskeletal System, Volume Three: Sectional Anatomy for PET/CT, PET/MRI and SPECT/CT provides a guide for interpreting PET and SPECT in relation to co-registered CT and/or MRI. In this atlas, exclusively dedicated to heart, lymph nodes and musculoskeletal system, nuclear physicians and radiologists cover hybrid nuclear medicine based on their own case studies. The practical structure in two-page unit offers readers a navigational tool based on anatomical districts, with labeled and explained low-dose multiplanar CT or MRI views merged with PET fusion imaging on one side and enhanced CT or MRI on the other.
This new format enables the rapid identification of hybrid nuclear medicine findings which are now routine at leading medical centers. Each chapter begins with three-dimensional CT and/or MRI views of the evaluated anatomical region, bringing forward sectional tables. Clinical cases, tricks and pitfalls linked to several PET or SPECT radiopharmaceuticals help introduce the reader to peculiar molecular pathways and improve confidence in cross-sectional imaging that is vital for accurate diagnosis and treatments.
Key Features: Presents a compact, comprehensive, easy-to-read guide on sectional imaging and multiplanar evaluation of hybrid PET and SPECT; Includes more than 200 fully colored, labeled, high quality original images of axial, coronal and sagittal CT, contrast enhanced CT, PET/CT and/or PET/MRI; Displays clinical cases that showcase both common and unusual findings that nuclear physicians and radiologists could encounter in their clinical practice; Provides specific text boxes that explain anatomical variants, radiological advices and physiological findings linked to tracer bio-distribution.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Biological Concepts, Current Advances, Opportunities and Challenges.
Edited by L. Zhang, Z. Han, J. Wang, Z. Li, Q. Huang.
2023, pp 156, USD 148.75, ISBN: 9780323958493.
Academic Press, Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Biological Concepts, Current Advances, Opportunities and Challenges systematically summarizes and discusses the basic concepts and latest updates of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the past 60 years, as well as the latest progress of clinical translational research and regulatory policy at home and abroad, which will be of great practical significance for promoting and guiding the future development of stem cell production and regenerative medicine.
Key Features: Systematically introduces the latest updates on Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), helping readers have a systematic understanding of MSCs; Summarizes knowledge on MSC-based cytotherapy in clinical practice to benefit clinicians and help them design MSC-relevant clinical trials; Introduces newly developed concepts of MSC-based tissue engineering.
Atlas of Thoracoscopic Anatomical Pulmonary Subsegmentectomy.
Edited by L. Chen, Q. Zhu, W. Wu.
2023, pp 196, USD 153.00, ISBN: 9780323957878.
Academic Press, Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Atlas of Thoracoscopic Anatomical Pulmonary Subsegmentectomy provides an in-depth and comprehensive overview and guidance on anatomical pulmonary subsegmentectomy, from both theoretical and technical perspectives. The book is divided in two parts: Part I is dedicated to theoretical background of surgery, including surgical subsegmental anatomy, CT three-dimensional reconstruction of pulmonary structures, surgical techniques, and perioperative patient management. Part II presents more than 40 kinds of subsegmentectomies of the left and right lungs, both upper and lower lobes.
As the rapid development of three-dimensional computed tomographic images has made it possible to provide more refined individualized anatomic details, and has consequently enabled advances in pulmonary subsegmentectomy, this book is a valuable resource to thoracic surgeons and physicians interested in thoracic surgery and mini-invasive surgical approaches in the thorax.
Key Features: Features complete coverage of all aspects of thoracoscopic anatomical pulmonary subsegmentectomy, from theory to practice; Presents more than 40 kinds of subsegmentectomies of the left and right lungs, both upper and lower lobes; Includes videos of 3D models and operations.
Privileged Scaffolds in Drug Discovery. 1st Edition.
Edited by B. Yu, N. Li, C. Fu.
2023, pp 986, USD 250.00, ISBN: 9780443186127.
Academic Press, Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Privileged Scaffolds in Drug Discovery is the most complete and up-to-date work in the area. Covering a wide range of privileged structures, it is a perfect reference for scientists involved in targeted drug development. The editors recruited experts from several prestigious Chinese institutions to cover the areas of antiviral drugs, chalcone, pyrimidine, (benz)imidazoles, natural product-derived privileged scaffolds, N-Sulfonyl carboxamides, kinase inhibitors, antitumor molecules, antineurodegenerative drugs, triazoles, oxazolidinone, indole and indoline scaffolds, tigliane diterpenoids, peptide and peptide-based drugs, quassinoids, and others including pseudonatural products, macrocycles, stable peptides and peptidomimetics. The book also explores scaffolds in drug molecules approved in recent years. Privileged Scaffolds in Drug Discovery is a complete reference for researchers in drug discovery and organic synthesis, in academic and corporate settings, who are investigating privileged structures upon which to base new drugs. Researchers in medicinal chemistry and chemical biology will also find the contents of this book valuable.
Key Features: Provides wide coverage of privileged scaffolds in new drug discovery; Includes complex and diverse natural product scaffolds; Covers applications to peptides and peptide-based drugs.
Cytogenetics and Molecular Cytogenetics.
Edited by T. Liehr.
2022, pp 382, GBP 80.00, ISBN: 9781032121628.
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, USA.
Genomic technologies provide the means of diagnosis and management of many human diseases. Without insights from cytogenetics, correct interpretation of modern high-throughput results is difficult, if not impossible. This book summarizes applications of cytogenetics and molecular cytogenetics for students, clinicians and researchers in genetics, genomics, and diagnostics. The book combines the state-of-the-art knowledge and practical expertise from leading researchers and clinicians and provides a comprehensive overview of current medical and research applications of many of these technologies.
Key Features: Provides clear summaries of fluorescence in situ hybridization technologies and others; Comprehensively covers established and emerging methods; Chapters from an international team of leading researchers; Useful for students, researchers, and clinicians.
- Copyright © 2023 International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. George J. Delinasios), All rights reserved.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY-NC-ND) 4.0 international license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0).