Background/Aim: Nondysplastic crypt branching (NDCB), mostly asymmetric branching (NDCAB), was previously found beneath the dysplastic epithelium of colorectal tubular adenomas (TA) in Swedish patients. This study examined the frequency of NDCB and NDCAB beneath the dysplastic epithelium of TA, in German patients. Patients and Methods: From a collection of 305 TA, 121 TA fulfilled the prerequisites for inclusion. All NDCB were registered. Results: Of 673 NDBCs, 572 (85%) NDCABs and 101 (15%) NDCSs, were found beneath the neoplastic tissue in the 121 TA. When the frequency of NDCB was challenged against the TA size, a linear correlation was found in the 121 TA (p<0.05, p=0.020172). Most NDCB were NDCAB (p<0.05, p=0.00001). The frequency of NDCB correlated with increasing TA size, implying that the higher frequency of both NDCB, dysplastic crypt branching, and their dysplastic offspring crypts were the most probable sources of TA enlargement. The frequency of NDCB underneath TA was not influenced by increasing age, sex or TA localization. Conclusion: Similar findings as those reported here were previously found in TA in Swedish patients. The similarity between these two populations, located in disparate geographical areas and subjected to dissimilar microenvironmental conditions suggests that NDBC in TA might be a ubiquitous unreported phenomenon. According to the literature, normal colon cells often harbor somatic mutations. Consequently, NDCB underneath TA may be mutated nondysplastic branching crypts upon which the dysplastic epithelium in TA eventually develops.
In 1721, Menzel (1) reported the first case of rectal polyp, in 1882, Cripps suggested that familial colon polyposis (FAP) was a potentially malignant disease (2) and in 1928, Lockhart-Mummery and Dukes (3) stressed the malignant potential of polypoid adenomas. That malignant potential was subsequently corroborated by Swinton and Warren in 1939 (4), by Jackman and Mayo in 1951 (5) and by Morson in 1962 (6). Their findings sparked an endless stream of additional research on colorectal adenomas. The adenoma-carcinoma sequence hypothesis, first proposed by Jackman and Mayo (5) quickly gained acceptance among pathologists, surgeons, and endoscopists around the world. Most colorectal polyps exhibit benign behavior and never develop into aggressive malignancy (6). Transformation happens seldom, but when it does, it usually takes a decade or longer to occur.
The vast mucosa of the large bowel is constantly exposed to oncogenic factors, such as increasing age, sex or/and continuous pounding from carcinogens present in the colonic microenvironment (7). Following years of constant exposure, the colorectal mucosa may develop dysplastic epithelial hubs, known as adenomas. Sporadic protruding adenomas are usually haphazardly distributed, either as solitary or as multiple lesions. One or more of those noninvasive neoplasias may turn into invasive carcinoma. The dysplastic epithelium in adenomas originates at the luminal aspect of the crypts and it progresses downwards, replacing the underlying nondysplastic crypts (3-6).
Colorectal tubular adenomas (TA) are dysplastic mucosal polyps; they are built of a dysplastic compartment on top and a nondysplastic compartment underneath. Grossly, TA may be polypoid (8) or nonpolypoid (9). Whereas the dysplastic compartment in TA has received much attention, the nondysplastic compartment has remained unattended.
In 2017, while studying the colonic mucosa in carcinogen-treated rats (10, 11), we found haphazardly distributed non-dysplastic crypt branching (NDCB). Some NDCB displayed corrupted branching and are currently called nondysplastic crypts in asymmetric branching (NDCAB). In one experimental study, Swiss-rolled colon sections in 25 male Fisher-344 rats treated with the mutagen 2-amino-6-methyldipyrido imidazole (GLU1) (10) showed that 36.4% of 357 haphazardly distributed crypt branchings were NDCAB. NDCAB were also found underneath three adenomas that were included in the Swiss-rolls of GLU1-treated animals (10). In a second experimental study, Swiss-roll sections from 25 male Sprague-Dawley rats treated with 1,2-dimethyhydrazine (DMH) showed that 38% out of 533 NDCB were NDCAB. NDCAB were also found underneath four adenomas that were included in the Swiss-rolls of DMH-treated animals (11).
In 2018, the review of 255 sporadic conventional adenomas in Swedish patients showed NDCB underneath the adenomatous epithelium (12, 13). In contrast, the colonic mucosa in 22 controls (colon segments proximal or distal to surgically removed colonic adenocarcinomas) occasionally revealed NDCB but no NDCAB (12). It was suggested that putative mutated NDCB may herald the initial histological recordable event in the development of sporadic conventional adenomas in the human colon.
The pertinent question is: are those findings only valid for TA in a Swedish cohort, or can be reproduced in patients in other Countries? Since all previous studies were carried out in a Swedish cohort (12, 13) that question remained unanswered.
In a recent study in German patients, we assessed the frequency of dysplastic branching crypts in the neoplastic tissue in TA (14). TA were chosen for being the most prevalent histologic phenotype of all colon adenomas (15).
The purpose of this investigation was to calculate the frequency of nondysplastic branching crypts (NDCB and NDCAB) present underneath the neoplastic tissue in colorectal TA in German patients. The results will be compared with previous findings in colorectal sporadic tubular adenomas in a Swedish cohort.
Patients and Methods
Patients. The material consists of 500 polypoid sporadic colon adenomas retrieved from the electronic archive (DC Pathos database), Institute of Pathology, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen Nuremberg, Klinikum Bayreuth, Germany (DC Systeme, Heilingehaus, Germany). Sections were cut in 4 μm thick sections and stained with hematoxylin-eosin (H&E). All adenomas were diagnosed at the Institute of Pathology, and subsequently scanned and digitalized with a Hamamatsu NanoZoomer Digital Pathology S360 (NDP, Hamamatsu, Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany). Images were made available via a web-interface. Out of the 500 sporadic colon adenomas, 305 were TA.
Prerequisite for inclusion. One important prerequisite for inclusion was that the underlying nondysplastic compartment was included in the sections and that the TA were unfragmented. A total of 184 TA lacking those prerequisites were rejected from the study. Thus, 121 out of the 305 TA fulfilled the prerequisite for inclusion.
Definitions. Nondysplastic crypt branchings. Nondysplastic crypt branchings found underneath the neoplastic tissue of TA were classified into nondysplastic crypts with asymmetric branching [NDCAB, Figure 1)] and nondysplastic crypts with symmetric branching (NDCSB, Figure 1H) (15).
Upright nondysplastic crypts in symmetric branchings (NDCSB). In well oriented sections, nondysplastic crypts sharing a single luminal opening on top with two post-branching daughter nondysplastic crypts of similar diameter, lengths and/or shape (15).
Upright nondysplastic crypts in asymmetric branchings (NDCAB). In well oriented sections, nondysplastic crypts sharing a single luminal opening on top with two or more post-branching nondysplastic daughter crypts differing in diameter, length and/or shape (15).
Cross-cut nondysplastic crypts in symmetric branchings (NDCSB). Cross-cut sections showing two back-to-back ring-shaped nondysplastic colorectal crypts similar in diameter and/or shape, apart from each other by the branching crest (15).
Cross-cut nondysplastic crypts in asymmetric branchings (NDCAB). Cross-cut sections showing two or more back-to-back ring-shaped nondysplastic colorectal crypts varying in diameter and/or shape, apart from each other by the branching crest (15).
Size of adenomas. The size of TA was recorded using the digital ruler of the NPD View 2 of the NanoZoomer Digital Pathology S360. The broadest diameter of TA was measured using the digital ruler of the Hamamatsu NanoZoomer Digital Pathology Software function.
Statistical analysis. The non-parametric Mann-Whitney U two-tail test was applied to compare differences between two groups. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to measure the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. Statistical significance was defined as p<0.05.
A total of 673 NDCB were found underneath the neoplastic tissue in the 121 TA: 572 (85%) were NDCAB and the remaining 101 (15%) NDCSB. The difference between NDCAB and NDCSB was significant (p<0.05, p=0.00001), Thus, most NDCB were NDCAB (Figure 1).
Clinical attributes, TA features and NDCB. The possibility that the NDCB underneath the neoplastic tissue of TA could be influenced by one or more independent variables such as age, sex, TA localization, TA size, and frequency of dysplastic crypt branching (DCB) found in the TA tissue, was investigated. The results obtained are condensed in Table I.
Age. When the frequency of NDCB underneath the neoplastic tissue of colorectal TA was correlated with the age of the patients in the 121 TA no linear correlation was found (p<0.05, p=0.193588).
Sex. Out of the 121 TA, 79 were males and 42 females. When the frequency of NDCB underneath the neoplastic tissue of colorectal TA was compared in males (431 NDCB), and in females (242 NDCB), the result was not significant (p<0.05, p=0.4654).
TA localization. Out of the 121 TA, 43 were localized to the right colon and 78 in the left colorectum (16 of them only in the rectum). The difference between the frequency of NDCB in the right colon (177 NDCB) vs. the left colorectum (496 NDCB) was not significant (p<0.05, p=0.3125), and that between colon descendant-sigmoid colon (n=62) and rectum (n=16) was also not significant (p<0.05, p=0.33204).
TA size. A linear correlation was found between the frequency of NDCB (n=673) underneath the neoplastic tissue and the total TA size (n=658.0 mm) in the 121 TA (p<0.05, p=0.020172).
This study in German patients showed that NDCB -mostly NDCAB- frequently developed beneath the adenomatous tissue of TA. Similar observations were previously found in Swedish patients with TA (12, 13). The similarity between the two populations, who reside in different geographic areas with different microenvironments, suggests that NDCB may be a ubiquitous, unreported phenomenon in TA.
The frequency of NDCB correlated well with increasing adenoma size, suggesting that the increased size of TA was a consequence of the increased frequencies of both NDCB and DCB (14) in individual TA. In contrast, the frequency of NDCAB/NDCB was unaffected by clinical attributes, such as age, sex, or TA localization, indicating that the production of NDCB was not choreographed by hormones like estrogen or testosterone, by increasing age, or by TA localization in the colon or rectum.
Considering such findings, several key questions seem relevant:
1. What is the significance of NDCB beneath TA?
The normal colorectal mucosa in adults has a calculated surface of 2 m2 (16). Along that vast mucosal area only occasional crypts in symmetric branching are detected and crypts in asymmetric branching do not occur (12). It is therefore remarkable that haphazardly distributed TA hubs measuring only few mm, coexist with NDCAB underneath. Together, these histological findings suggest that in TA, both NDCB underneath and the dysplastic crypts on top (14) may be interdepended, with the theoretical possibility of a biological crosstalk between the two compartments.
2. Are colorectal NDCB hubs centers of field cancerization? Previous investigations on nonpolypoid colon adenomas (17) and polypoid colorectal adenomas (12) in Swedish patients showed that mucosal hubs displaying NDCSB and NDCAB were often present underneath the neoplastic canopy of conventional adenomas. Based on those findings and on the findings in point 1 (vide supra), it was previously postulated that nondysplastic mucosal hubs, particularly those exhibiting NDCAB could be putative cores of field cancerization (12). The present findings in German patients support that assertion. The finding of mucosal hubs exhibiting NDCB underneath colon adenomas elicited in laboratory animals by the aid of colonotropic carcinogens (10, 11) substantiates the findings in humans.
3. Are NDCB necessary structures from which the dysplastic epithelium in TA eventually develops?
In a recent study of the adenomatous tissue in 139 TA in German patients (14) a total of 3,956 DCB were found: 98% with asymmetric branching (DCAB) and the remaining 2% with symmetric branching (DCSB) (14). Those findings together with the present ones, reveal that nondysplastic and dysplastic crypts with asymmetric branching are the most common phenotype of branching crypts in both TA compartments.
4. Is the increasing frequency of NDCB in TA an indication of crypt proliferation?
The word “proliferation” derives from French” prolifère” (of flowers whose pedicel continues to grow above the pistil) and from Latin” proles”, meaning producing offspring.
The notion of crypt proliferation (i.e., branching crypts yielding eventually two or more offspring), is at variance with that of “cell proliferation”, often used to denote DNA synthetizing cells, knowing that offspring-crypts may or may not crystallize. We have applied the term cell proliferation (18) when cells in mitoses can be demonstrated (19).
In the present work, the notion of “crypt proliferation” is applied when crypt branchings were present.
5. Should the epithelium lining NDCB (that is NDCSB and NDCAB), be referred to as “normal” or as “nondysplastic”? Based on the knowledge gained on cell mutations in normal cells (vide infra, point 6), we opted to define the apparent histologically normal epithelium lining NDCB “nondysplastic”.
6. Are NDCAB the histologic smoking gun of somatic mutations?
In 1990 Fearon and Vogelstein (20) translated histological images of the adenoma-carcinoma sequence (5) into successive somatic genetic mutations resulting in the clonal expansions of critical genes.
In 2003, Yang et al. found that chromosome segregation defects contributed to aneuploidy in normal neural progenitor cells (21). Subsequent analyses of embryonic neural progenitor cells revealed that about 33% of the normal neural progenitor cells were aneuploid (22). In 2014, Jaiswal et al. (23) analyzed whole-exome sequencing data from DNA in the peripheral-blood cells of 17,182 persons who were unselected for hematologic phenotypes. They detected up to 18% clonal mutations in normal hematopoietic cells. The presence of a somatic mutation was associated with an increase in the risk of hematologic cancer (23). Sequencing studies of normal blood and skin revealed burdens and signatures of somatic mutations broadly like those observed in cancers from those cell types. In blood, driver mutations with typical leukemia patterns were found in ~10% of individuals older than 65 years of age without leukemia. Individuals carrying these driver mutations have an elevated future risk of blood cancers (24).
In 2015, Tomasetti C, Vogelstein B, Parmigiani G. reported that more than half of the mutations present in some cancers were also present in the normal cells, where cancer had originated (25). Their conclusions were that those somatic mutations would have been present even if the tumor had not formed (25). In 2018, Kondrashov claimed that normal cells of different tissues can accumulate hundreds to a few thousands of substitutions without acquiring hypermutation status (26). The approximate range of human germline mutation-rates is 1.0-1.2×10−8 per nucleotide per generation. Although most mutations have no harmful effects, up to 10% of these mutations may be deleterious (26).
In summary, in the normal intestinal epithelium, the somatic mutation rate is in the order of 2 to 10 mutations/diploid genome/cell division. That mutation rate is not far from that in cancer cells. Aging is accompanied by mutation of normal cells (27). Lee et al. found, in ≥2,000 colonic crypts, that approximately 1% of normal colorectal crypts in middle-aged individuals had a driver mutation (28). Spontaneous mutations in somatic cells were found to accumulate during lifetime (29). Evidently, normal colonic cells, including aberrant NDCAB, are amenable to carry somatic mutations. From the above studies in normal cells, it becomes apparent that NDCAB may be the histologic smoking gun of somatic mutations in normal colonic cells that we have been searching for. The present histologic findings in TA in German patients are consistent with earlier histologic findings in TA in Swedish patients (12) and with those in experimental animals (10, 11) thereby supporting the idea that the NDCAB are mutated aberrant structures upon which TA may eventually develop.
Authors’ Contributions
CAR was responsible for the conceptualization, conducting the project, visualization, writing the original draft, and data curation, formal analysis, investigation, and methodology. CL-S and MV scanned the sections. MV, CL-S, and CM reviewed the original draft. The final draft was approved by all Authors.
Conflicts of Interest
There are no conflicts of interest to declare in relation to this study.
- Received August 13, 2023.
- Revision received September 15, 2023.
- Accepted September 19, 2023.
- Copyright © 2023 International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. George J. Delinasios), All rights reserved.
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