Background/Aim: SIRT6 is one of seven human sirtuin genes and is known to act as an onco-suppressor gene in colorectal and ovarian cancers, although it is up-regulated in other cancers. Thus, SIRT6 is considered performing both tumor-suppressing and promoting roles. However, the association of SIRT6 with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and its role in OSCC pathogenesis is currently unclear. This study aimed to investigate the expression of SIRT6 in patients with OSCC and its potential as a biomarker for early detection and prognosis prediction. Materials and Methods: Immunohistochemistry, quantitative real-time RT-PCR, and microarray analyses were performed to determine SIRT6 expression and its association with clinicopathological features in OSCC using clinical specimens. Results: SIRT6 mRNA and protein expression levels were higher in OSCC tissues than in noncancerous tissues (p<0.05). SIRT6 expression was predominant in patients aged ≥65 years and significantly correlated with shorter overall survival. In the microarray analysis, some SIRT6-associated genes, such as ANXA2, were up-regulated in OSCC. Conclusion: SIRT6 plays a role in tumor homeostasis, leading to a poor prognosis in OSCC. SIRT6 may represent a novel target not only for treatment, but also as a prognostic marker in OSCC.
Oral cancer accounts for 1%-2% of all malignancies and 40% of head and neck cancers (1). Oral cancer includes a group of malignant neoplasms that arise from the tongue, gingival alveolar mucosa (maxillary and mandibular), buccal mucosa, floor of the mouth, hard palate, and salivary glands. Oral cancer is directly associated with lifestyle risk factors such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, endemic betel quid chewing, chronic mechanical irritation, and human papillomavirus infection (2). Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), the predominant malignant neoplasm of the head and neck, is a critical cancer worldwide. Although treatment modalities for OSCC, including chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery, have progressed greatly, the therapeutic outcomes in patients with OSCC have remained unsatisfactory and have not improved over the last several decades (3). Due to its high malignancy and lymph node metastatic characteristics, both of which lead to a poor prognosis, the development of a useful tumor marker is crucial for early detection and/or prognosis prediction. Currently, SCC or CYFRA is used as a tumor marker to assist in the diagnosis of OSCC in a clinical setting. However, its sensitivity is low (4); thus, the development of a novel biomarker for early diagnosis and identification of new therapeutic targets is critical to resolve the pressing clinical issues related to the management of OSCC.
Sirtuins are nicotine-adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)-dependent deacetylases or adenosine diphosphate-ribosyltransferases that are highly conserved from yeast to humans. Currently, seven human sirtuin (SIRT1-7) genes have been identified, each of which has its own unique characteristics, functions, and localization. SIRT6 has been shown to deacetylate lysine K9, K18, and K56 of histone H3 and play roles in DNA repair, telomere maintenance, inflammation, and cancer (5). Under healthy conditions, SIRT6 acts as a gatekeeper of DNA repair mechanisms or regulates cell survival and proliferation. After DNA damage, SIRT6 triggers apoptosis in some cancers, such as colon and breast cancers, in which it is down-regulated. Conversely, SIRT6 expression is up-regulated in other cancers, including hepatocellular carcinoma and skin SCC; therefore, it could also act as an oncogene. Thus, SIRT6 is currently considered playing a dual role as a tumor suppressor and oncogene (6). Moreover, SIRT6 has been shown to play a crucial role in cell fate determination and apoptosis, resulting in the initiation and progression of cancer. Although SIRT6 expression has been reported to be down-regulated in HNSCC (7), the expression and biological role of SIRT6 in OSCC are unknown. Thus, the aim of our study was to investigate the expression of SIRT6 in patients with OSCC and the association between its expression and clinicopathological features. We also investigated its potential as a biomarker for early detection and prognosis prediction.
Materials and Methods
Patients and clinicopathological data. This study enrolled 78 patients (56 men and 22 women) with OSCC, with median age of 65 years (age range=33-89 years), who underwent treatment between April 2012 and March 2019 at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Yokohama City University Hospital. All the tissue samples were harvested from the patients who did not have preoperative adjuvant therapy. The OSCC patients had undergone surgery or chemoradiotherapy (51 surgery and 27 chemoradiotherapy). Samples were also obtained from 10 patients with oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD): 8 men and 2 women, with median age of 68 years (age range=43-82 years). Biopsied or surgical samples were used for the study. We obtained 21 noncancerous tissues as normal tissues from the adjacent cancerous tissues after tumor resection. Following personal information protection laws, patients were given an opportunity to opt-out of this study through public announcements published by the institution. The protocol of this study was approved by the Institutional Ethical Committee of Yokohama City University in accordance with the principles of Declaration of Helsinki (approval # B210200001). Pathological tumor-node-metastasis (pTNM) stages were determined according to the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) 7th edition. Pathological types were determined by two experienced pathologists, according to the World Health Organization.
Immunohistochemical staining. Immunohistochemistry was performed as described in previous reports (8). Briefly, paraffin-embedded specimens were rehydrated by gradients of xylene and ethanol, followed by antigen retrieval via heating in Tris-EDTA. Endogenous peroxidase blocking was performed with the addition of 3% H2O2. The samples were then incubated with anti-SIRT6 rabbit monoclonal antibody (Cell Signaling Technology, Danvers, MA, USA, 1:100) or CINtec® p16 Histology (Roche, Basel, Switzerland) (9) at 4°C for overnight. Samples were incubated with secondary antibody (anti-Rabbit HRP, for SIRT6 expression or anti-Mouse HRP, for p16 expression, Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA). DAB (Agilent was employed according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and samples were stained using Mayer’s hematoxylin. The sections were mounted, cleared, cover slipped, and examined using a Leica Application Suite microscope (Leica, Wetzlar, Germany).
Analysis of expression and localization of SIRT6 in IHC. Three investigators (H.Y., M.K., and I.K.) independently assessed the stained sections. The positive signals for SIRT6 expression were semi-quantitatively scored according to the following criteria: 0, no staining; 1, weak to normal staining; 2, moderate to strong staining. We used the highest score for each sample. We also analyzed density of SIRT6-positive cells in each tissue, in which five different sites were randomly selected at high power field, and the ratio of stained tumor cells and total tumor cells was calculated for each site. The average of the scores was indicated as percent positive of SIRT6.
Quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis of SIRT6 genes. Total RNA was extracted and purified from 41 paraffin-embedded cancerous and 12 noncancerous specimens by using High Pure FFPE RNA isolation kit (Roche). cDNA was generated with Super Script IV VILO Master Mix (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) according to the manufacture’s protocols. The expression of SIRT6 gene was analyzed using TaqMan® system. SIRT6 gene information is written as below, GenBank accession number: NM_001193285.2, amplicon size: 79, assay location: 131, and assay ID: Hs00213036_m1, size: FAM-MGB 250rxns (10). The expression of human housekeeping gene, GAPDH, was used for normalization. GAPDH gene information is as below, GenBank accession number: NM_001256799.2, amplicon size: 58, assay location: 1274, and assay ID: Hs03929097_g1, size: PL VIC-MGB 360rxns. qRT-PCR was performed in an ABI 7900HT Real-Time System (Thermo Fischer Scientific) calculated to obtain the cycle of threshold (ΔCt). The relative expression levels between OSCC and noncancerous parts were calculated by the comparative Ct (ΔΔCt) method, and the relative expression folds (2–ΔΔCt) were calculated using RQ Manager. The value of mRNA expression in healthy individuals is designated 1 while the level of mRNA expression in patients with OSCC was normalized to obtain the fold change in patients with OSCC.
RT-PCR analysis. DNA was extracted and purified from paraffin-embedded 35 cancerous specimens (10 μm) by using High Pure FFPE DNA isolation kit (Roche). DNA was submitted to PCR using PGMY09/11 primers (11) to amplify a sequence of 450 base pairs from the L1 region of most HPV types. The conditions of the thermocycling reaction using the PGMY09/11 primer set were: denaturing at 95°C for 5 min, followed by 40 cycles at 95°C for 1 min, 55°C for 1 min, and 72°C for 1 min. This was followed by 10 min final extension period at 72°C. Negative control comprised a tube with water, instead of DNA. As a positive control, DNA isolated from He-La and Si-Ha cell was used. Polymerase chain reaction products were analyzed by electrophoresis on a 2% agarose gel stained with Midori Green Direct (Nippon Genetics, Tokyo, Japan) and observed under UV light.
Microarray analysis. Among the samples mentioned before, we used 6 OSCC surgical paraffin embedded samples (4 men and 2 women). Total RNAs of OSCC and normal tissues were extracted with RNeasy (QIAGEN, Valencia, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The gene expression profiles were analyzed by Macrogen Inc. (Tokyo, Japan). cDNA synthesis, RNA amplification, ss-cDNA synthesis, fragmentation, and labeling and hybridization were performed with the Gene Chip WT PLUS Kit (Thermo Fisher). The gasket slides were incubated in the Gene Chip® hybridization oven, stained using the Gene Chip® Fluidics Station (Thermo Fisher), and scanned using the Gene Chip® Scanner (Thermo Fisher). Array data export processing and analysis were performed using the Affimetrix Expression Console Software and TAC (Thermo Fisher) software.
The data were summarized and normalized using the SST-RMA method implemented in Affymetrix® Power Tools. We exported the result with gene level SST-RMA analysis and performed the differentially expressed gene (DEG) analysis. Statistical significance of gene expression was determined using fold change. For a DEG set, Hierarchical cluster analysis was performed using complete linkage and Euclidean distance as a measure of similarity. Gene-Enrichment and Functional Annotation analysis for significant probe list was performed using Gene Ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomics (KEGG) in gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA).
Statistical analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using EZR ver.1.42 (Easy R, Jichi Medical University, Tochigi, Japan). Clinicopathological parameters and the SIRT6 expression or localization results were analyzed using t-test, Mann–Whitney U-test, Kruskal–Wallis test, and Spearman’s rank correlation efficient test. Clinicopathological parameters included age at diagnosis (<65 vs. ≥65 years of age), sex, smoking history, nodal metastasis, pTNM stages (stages I-II vs. stages III-IV), pathological type (well- vs. moderately vs. poorly differentiated), and tumor region. When the incidence was less than 5, χ2 tests with Fisher’s exact correction were applied. Two-sided probability values less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Kaplan–Meier survival curves were plotted to evaluate the association of SIRT6 expression with 5-year overall survival rates (OS) and progression free survival rates (PFS). The curves were analyzed using the log-rank test. Cox regression analysis was used to identify factors affecting 5-year survival rates.
Patient characteristics. The clinicopathological features of the 78 patients are summarized in Table I. Twenty-five patients (32.1%) showed nodal metastases. The clinical stages were as follows: stage I, 10 (12.8%); stage II, 32 (41.0%); stage III, 17 (21.8%); and stage IV, 19 (24.4%). The histological grades were as follows: 1, 19 (39.6%); 2, 23 (47.9%); and 3, 6 (12.5%). The median follow-up duration was 58 months (range=5-87 months) and the 5-year overall survival rate was 78.8%. The cause of death was the present illness, except for 12 patients who died for another reason.
Expression of SIRT6 in OSCC and precancerous specimens. SIRT6 protein expression was detected in 71 of the 78 (91.0%) cases. Intensity analysis of SIRT6 expression was performed. Over-expression of SIRT6, indicated by a score of 2, was found in 37 cases (47.4%), whereas scores of 1 and 0 (no detectable expression) were found in 34 (43.6%) and seven cases (9.0%), respectively. Figure 1A shows the representative images of each intensity score for SIRT6 expression. In normal oral mucosal tissue adjacent to the tumor, we did not observe over-expression of SIRT6 protein in any of the cases (0/21). SIRT6 over-expression in OSCC was significantly higher than that in the normal oral mucosa (p<0.05, Table II). Furthermore, the density of SIRT6-expressing cells in OSCC tissues was significantly greater than that in normal tissues (Figure 1B). Consistent with the protein levels, the mRNA expression levels of SIRT6 were also higher in OSCC tissues than in normal tissues (Figure 1C).
We next determined whether the precancerous tissues (OPMD) also expressed the SIRT6 protein at a higher level. As shown in Table II, SIRT6 over-expression was observed in eight of the 10 OPMD specimens. The positivity of SIRT6 in OPMD was significantly elevated compared to that in normal mucosa (p<0.05), while the percentage positivity in OPMD was also elevated compared to that in OSCC (p<0.05, Figure 2).
Correlation between the expression pattern for SIRT6 and the clinicopathological parameters related to OSCC. The correlation between SIRT6 expression and clinicopathological parameters is shown in Table III. There was no correlation between SIRT6 expression and tumor size, nodal metastasis, UICC stage classification, tumor location, or recurrence rate. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in the 5-year OS and PFS, which were 16.6% and 18.8%, respectively, in the SIRT6-high expression group and 35.1% and 24.6% in the SIRT6-(–)/low expression group (p=0.85, and p=0.51, respectively; Figure 3A and B). In addition, there was no localization-specific SIRT6 expression in OSCC tissues (invasion front vs. middle part, p=0.07, data not shown). Moreover, there was no statistically significant correlation between the localization of SIRT6-positive cells and clinicopathological parameters, such as vascular invasion, neural invasion, OS, and PFS (data not shown).
Risk factors affecting 5-year survival rates according to univariate analysis. Univariate analysis of 5-year OS was performed using logistic regression analysis with SIRT6 expression, age, sex, histological grade, stage, and smoking history, which are closely involved in the development of OSCC, as covariates. As shown in Figure 3C and D, age had a significant effect on OS. Expression of SIRT6 was well correlated with shorter OS in patients aged ≥65 years (p=0.0089, Figure 3C), while it bore no relevance to survival status (p>0.05, Figure 3D). No significant differences were observed in the other parameters. We also investigated whether HPV infection in OSCC affects treatment outcomes, such as OS and PFS, associated with or without SIRT6 expression. To this end, we examined the presence of the DNA of both HPV and p16 proteins in OSCC tissues. Although p16-positive OSCC cells were found in 30 of 51 cases, HPV-positive cases determined by multi-universal PCR were observed in only 3 of 32 specimens, indicating that p16 detection could not be a surrogate marker, at least in oral cancer. Since the HPV infection rate was limited in OSCC specimens, HPV infection also had no impact on PFS or OS in OSCC patients who showed positive expression of SIRT6 (data not shown). In addition, HPV infection did not affect SIRT6 expression in OSCC (data not shown). Our data indicate that SIRT6 expression predominated in patients aged ≥65 years and significantly correlated with shorter overall survival in elderly patients than in younger patients.
Gene expression profile and enrichment analysis of OSCC. To explore the molecular signature of OSCC associated with SIRT6 over-expression involved in cellular responses to the activation of tumorigenic pathways and the stimulation of oncogenesis utilizing a comprehensive gene expression profiling approach, we performed microarray analysis using OSCC tissue specimens. The DEGs, which were expressed with a significance level of FDR-adjusted p-value <0.05, and absolute fold change >1.5, were displayed in a volcano plot and a heat map to show the distribution of the positively and negatively expressed genes (Figure 4A and B). The DEGs were further investigated using GSEA. The top 20 up-regulated or down-regulated KEGG pathways are listed in Figure 4C and D, and the representative pathways of the enriched gene sets, such as chromatin organization and chemotaxis, are shown in Figure 4E and F. Analysis of gene expression in OSCC compared to paired noncancerous counterparts in each individual identified some SIRT6-associated molecules (≥1.5-fold change). ANXA2 was significantly up-regulated, and PIGC and RGPD4 were down-regulated in OSCC.
The current study is the first to report that the expression of SIRT6 in OSCC tissues was significantly elevated not only at the mRNA levels but also at the protein levels. SIRT6 expression is ubiquitous, with the highest levels observed in the heart, brain, liver, kidney, and skeletal muscle. An increasing number of studies have reported altered SIRT6 expression in cancer. Some studies have shown that SIRT6 expression is suppressed in several types of cancer, such as colorectal and ovarian cancers, suggesting a tumor-suppressor role for this molecule. In contrast, higher SIRT6 expression in cancer tissues has been detected in hepatocellular, breast, and skin cancers. SIRT6 generally maintains genome stability, telomere integrity, and DNA repair, and regulates metabolic homeostasis, thereby playing a pivotal role in carcinogenesis. Consistent with our results, immunofluorescence analysis revealed that only a few SIRT6-positive cells were present in intact human skin, while a large number of these cells were found in premalignant actinic keratoses in which miR-34a was down-regulated (12). Interestingly, the SIRT6 expression pattern in these lesions was mutually exclusive of that of the differentiation marker involucrin. A significant increase in SIRT6-positive cells was also observed in cutaneous SCCs in which differentiation was compromised, although the histological grade was not significantly associated with SIRT6 expression positivity in our results. It is unclear whether this discrepancy is due to the location of the tumor or patient characteristics. Further analysis is required to clarify this issue.
In the current study, SIRT6 was also up-regulated in OPMDs that were classified as premalignant. Some studies have demonstrated the significance of SIRT6 expression in the early stages of hepatic cancer (13). SIRT genes are altered in the peripheral blood leukocytes of HNSCC patients, and SIRT6 and SIRT7 are potential circulating prognostic markers for HNSCC (7). Moreover, high SIRT6 expression in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is associated with poor prognosis (14). Our results also revealed that the expression of SIRT6 was correlated with shorter PFS in patients aged ≥65 years. These results suggest that SIRT6 has potential as an early detection and prognostic marker of OSCC. Considering the significance of higher SIRT6 expression and shorter OS in elderly patients, the biological activities of SIRT6 as a longevity molecule may shed light on its role in elderly people. SIRT6 regulates telomeric chromatin and inhibits end-to-end chromosomal fusion and premature cell aging. Since SIRT6 can inhibit cellular senescence by maintaining chromosome structure, regulating metabolism, and promoting DNA damage repair, irregular expression of SIRT6 may affect the regulation of these functions in cancer cells, leading to increased malignancy in elderly patients with OSCC. Further investigation is needed to clarify the potential of SIRT6 as a biomarker and its function in carcinogenesis in OPMD and OSCC tissues.
A recent study suggested that SIRT6 is remarkably over-expressed in esophageal squamous tumor tissues, and its up-regulation is closely related to clinical features such as tumor–node–metastasis and cell differentiation (15). SIRT6 has been reported to induce the ERK1/2–MMP9 pathway that functions in migration and invasion (16, 17), whereas our data did not show the correlation between SIRT6-positive cell localization and survival rate. The positive chemotaxis pathway was down-regulated in the OSCC enrichment analysis, although SIRT6 was up-regulated, indicating the presence of another mechanism for cell migration and invasion.
In microarray analysis, we could not find a specific carcinogenesis and tumor growth pathway associated with SIRT6 when comparing OSCC tissues to the normal group. Since the results were obtained from clinical specimens, numerous signal pathways were up or down-regulated. Therefore, it was difficult to determine the association between specific gene pathways and SIRT6 expression. However, some SIRT6-related genes such as ANXA2, PIGC, and RGPD4 showed altered expression when analyzed by paired matching (OSCC vs. noncancerous counterpart), suggesting that these molecules are involved in the tumorigenesis of OSCC associated with SIRT6. ANXA2 regulated by SIRT6 is critical for UBE3A-mediated tumorigenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma (18). PIGC is also significantly associated with the Tumor Node Metastasis stage in hepatocellular carcinoma (19), and RGPD4 is significantly hypermethylated in the promoter in HNSCC tissues (20). Further investigations are required to determine the SIRT6-associated signaling pathway involved in OSCC tumorigenesis.
In conclusion, we demonstrated the over-expression of SIRT6 in patients with OSCC. The findings showed a correlation between SIRT6 positivity and OS in elderly patients with OSCC. Although detailed biological analyses are needed, SIRT6 may play a critical role in tumorigenesis and malignancy and show potency as a biomarker for the early detection and prognosis of OSCC.
The Authors thank Ms. Y Shigeno-Nakazawa and Mr. Akagi for technical assistance and advice. The Authors would also like to thank Editage (www.editage.jp) for English language editing. This research was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (no. 19K19206), and by Grant-in-Aid from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (to MK, 20H03892).
Authors’ Contributions
YH analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript. MK invent, preside the study, and revised the manuscript. KS, YI, SN contributed for the gene profiling. IK, MOS, KS contributed to the IHC analysis. KM gave the advice in preparation of the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest
The Authors declare that they have no conflict of interest regarding this study.
- Received May 29, 2022.
- Revision received June 29, 2022.
- Accepted June 29, 2022.
- Copyright © 2022 International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. George J. Delinasios), All rights reserved.