Background/Aim: Bromelain, papain and chymotrypsin are proteolytic enzymes. They can be found in fruits such as pineapple or papaya, but also in the human body, namely in the pancreas. Besides their enzymatic function, they are said to reduce side-effects and even to improve the outcome of cancer therapies. We, therefore, aimed to critically examine and systematically review existing evidence on the role that these enzymes might play in cancer treatment. Materials and Methods: In May 2019, a systematic literature search was conducted by using five electronic databases (Embase, Cochrane, PsychInfo, CINAHL and Medline) to find studies concerning the use, effectiveness and potential harm of enzyme therapy on cancer patients. Results: Out of 13,046 search results, 15 studies with 3,008 patients were included in this systematic review. Patients treated with enzymes were diagnosed with various entities of gastrointestinal, gynecologic, head and neck and lung cancer as well as hematological malignancies. The therapy concepts included mainly oral intake of enzymes in addition to conventional therapies. Investigated outcomes were side-effects of anticancer therapy, quality of life, as well as anticancer effects and survival rates. In summary, due to conflicting results and moderate quality of the included studies, the evidence is insufficient to attribute positive effects to enzymes in terms of better tolerability of the various antineoplastic therapies or even improvement in treatment efficacy. In most cases, enzyme therapy was well tolerated; side-effects were mainly gastrointestinal complaints such as diarrhea or meteorism. Conclusion: On the basis of existing evidence, there is no clear therapeutic benefit of enzymes neither as supportive therapy nor as part of antineoplastic therapy.
- Proteolytic enzymes
- complementary medicine
- nutritional supplements
- immune system
- bromelain
- papain
- chymotrypsin
- review
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is widely used by cancer patients today. Patients wish to actively act against this life-changing disease (1). In a survey of breast cancer patients, 77% of the surveyed were currently using CAM, mainly with the intention of reducing side-effects, boosting the immune system and becoming more active (2).
Enzyme therapy (more precisely the application of proteases like bromelain, papain or chymotrypsin that are of plant or animal origin) is a method of CAM, which is mainly used to mitigate side-effects of cancer treatment. Furthermore, enzyme therapy is supposed to influence the course of disease. The mechanism of action has not yet been conclusively clarified, but there are a number of possible explanations. Studies indicated that the serine proteases trypsin and chymotrypsin increase serum levels of the antiproteinases α2-macroglobulin and α1-antitrypsin (3). Research showed that antiproteinases have an impact on tumor cell metastasis, as seen in pancreatic cell carcinomas (4).
A similar mode of action is suspected for the cysteine proteinases bromelain and papain. Research recently indicated that the balance between cysteine proteinases and antiproteinases has an influence on metastases. Their use as a prognostic marker has also been discussed (5). Overall, proteolytic enzymes are considered to have an anti-inflammatory effect, as demonstrated by Swamy and colleagues for trypsin, chymotrypsin and serratiopeptidase. They induced granuloma by cotton pellets on the rat model and observed the effects on the edema formed around (6). In addition, enzymes also play a role for wound debridement in order to remove slough, decrease exudate and preparing the wound base for grafting (7). While these studies may all implicate a potential beneficial effect of enzymes for treating cancer patients, there is no recent systematic appraisal in current literature. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review assessing data from clinical studies on the influence of enzymes on cancer therapy-related side-effects, quality of life, as well as effects on survival, cancer recurrence and metastasis to evaluate the existing clinical evidence.
Materials and Methods
Inclusion criteria. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are listed in Table I based on a PICO-model. All cancer entities were included. Criteria to reject studies were primary prevention, grey literature, other publication types than primary investigation/report (e.g., comments, letters, abstracts) and study populations with >20% children (defined as subjects younger <18 years) or precancerous conditions, if results of adult patients with cancer were not reported separately. Additionally, studies were excluded in case they reported no patient centered outcomes.
Study design. We included systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials as well as cohort studies. One-armed studies were included only with respect to side-effects of enzyme therapy.
Study selection. A systematic research was conducted using five databases (Medline (Ovid), CINAHL (EBSCO), EMBASE (Ovid), Cochrane CENTRAL and PsycINFO (EBSCO)) in May 2019. For each of these databases a complex search strategy was developed consisting of a combination of Mesh Terms, keywords and text words in different spellings connected to cancer and enzyme therapy (Table II). A two-step search was executed starting with 1) a search string with restrictions for study or publication type to find systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials followed by 2) a search string without restrictions (minus the studies from the first search) to find studies of a lower evidence level. After importing the search results into EndNote X8, all duplicates were removed, and title-abstract-screening was carried out by two independent reviewers (LG and JH). When title and abstract did not have sufficient information for screening purposes, a full-text copy was retrieved. Additionally, bibliography lists of all retrieved articles were searched for relevant studies. Language settings covered German and English articles.
Assessment of risk of bias and methodological quality: All characteristics were assessed by two independent reviewers (LG and SK). In case of disagreement a third reviewer was consulted (JH) and consensus was made by discussion. The risk of bias in the included studies was analyzed with the SIGN- Checklist (8) for controlled trials and cohort studies using the checklist’s version 2.0 respectively 3.0. Additionally, we examined blinding of researchers, blinding of outcome assessment and comparability of groups before treatment, not only in terms of demographic variables, but also concerning the outcomes. The included studies were rated according to the Oxford criteria (Table III) (9). Additional criteria concerning methodology were size of population, application of power analysis, dealing with missing data and drop-out (report of drop-out reasons, application of intention-to-treat-analysis), adequacy of statistical tests (e.g., control of premises or multiple testing) and selective outcome reporting (report of all assessed outcomes with specification of statistical data as the p-value).
Outcomes. Clinical outcomes of interest included patient-centered outcomes which were the avoidance and alleviation of typical side-effects or the tolerability of modern cancer therapy like surgery, chemotherapy, radiation or endocrine therapy. Endpoints investigated were mucositis, swallowing disorders, radiodermatitis, consumption of supportive medication, pain, swelling, edema, quality of life, gastrointestinal complaints and urogenital side-effects. Next, we considered were therapy discontinuations, tolerability of cancer treatment, response to treatment, disease specific survival, remission and cancer recurrence or metastases. Finally, we assessed side-effects of the enzyme treatment itself.
Data extraction. Data extraction was performed by one reviewer (LG) and controlled by two independent reviewers (SK/JD, JH). Evidence tables from the national Guideline on Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Oncological Patients of the German Guideline Program in Oncology were used as a template for data extraction (10).
Participants. Included patients were characterized by type and stage of cancer, type of treatment (e.g., chemo-, hormone-, radiotherapy, operation), age and sex.
Intervention. Generally, all types of clinical studies were included if they reported patient-relevant outcomes following any intervention using enzyme therapy for treatment of adult cancer patients.
Comparison. Any kind of comparison was eligible in this review. This includes watch and wait, standard care and placebo strategies.
The systematic research at all levels of evidence revealed 13,046 results. Four studies were added by hand search. At first, duplicates were removed leaving 9,156 studies. After screening for title and abstract, 93 studies remained and underwent further investigation. Finally, 15 publications were analyzed in this review, including 10 randomized controlled trials (RCT), 3 cohort studies and 2 single arm studies. The selection process of studies is presented by flow-diagrams in Figures 1 and 2. Detailed characterization of the included studies may be found in Table IV. Excluded studies are listed in Table V.
Patient characteristics in included studies. The studies included 3,008 patients. Due to at least 20 drop-outs a final number of 2,988 patients were analyzed. Since the majority of studies lacked data on drop out and attrition, the actual number of patients may be lower. The age of patients ranged from a mean of 23.76±5.48 to 67.2±11.1 years. A total of 1,840 participants were females and 1,100 males.
Excluded studies. We excluded 2 single-arm studies with interventions using other drugs next to proteolytic enzymes as the effects of it was not possible to assess whether the reported effects were caused by the enzyme therapy or by another component of the intervention. Excluded studies are listed in Table V.
Mucositis and swallowing disorders due to radiotherapy. We assessed 3 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) examining the effect of the enzyme therapy on oral mucositis and swallowing disorders due to radiotherapy. In Dörr et al. (11) (where N=69, tumors of the oral cavity), radiotherapy protocols comprised conventional fractionation with 1.8-2.0 Gy/fraction, 5×/week to total doses of 60-66 Gy/6-7 weeks, or hyperfractionation with 2×1.2 Gy/day, 5×/week to a total dose of 72 Gy/6-7 weeks; hyperfractionation was applied in 8/36 (22%) patients in the intervention group and in 11/33 (33%) patients in the placebo group. The authors of the study found no significant differences between the intervention- and the control group for maximum mucositis (summarized as the mean value of the maximum values collected; p=0.317). However, there was a significant difference in the mean grade of mucositis in favor of the control group (p=0.041) due to an earlier onset of mucositis in the intervention group. They observed no relevant group difference related to swallowing difficulties (11). Gujral et al. (control group patients received 58.6±8.8 Gy over 45 ± 9 days and intervention group patients received an average dose of 59.1±6.2 Gy over 45±9 days) examined 100 patients with head and neck tumors. They reported a significant difference in the maximum severity (p<0.0001) and the mean severity of mucositis (p=0.0001) in favor of the intervention group. They also described a significant difference for the time of occurrence in favor of the intervention group (6.9±0.8 vs. 5.7±1.2 weeks; p=0.0014). In addition, they found a significant difference in the maximum severity (1.32±0.64 vs. 2.24±0.60; p<0.0001), the mean value – evaluated as area under the curve (5.2±3.4 vs. 10.1±3.6; p=0.0001;) and the duration until swallowing problems (Grade I: 5.2±1.5 vs. 3.6±0.5; Grade II 7.3±0.8 vs. 6.1±1.3 weeks; p=0.0092; p=0.0064) in favor of the intervention group. The classification was based on the RTOG/EORTC criteria (12). Vinzenz et al. (N=39, carcinoma of the oral cavity; irradiation with the gammatron was performed for a period of 5 weeks spread over several sessions in both groups, total cumulative dose 50 Gy) found a significant difference in severity of mucositis in favor of the intervention group (stage I: 21.4% vs. 0%, II: 68.4% vs. 55%, III: 10.5% vs. 45%; p=0.014). There were also significantly more patients with mucositis stage III in the control group (p=0.019). First appearance of mucositis was earlier in the intervention group with 9.1 (±4.9) days vs. 13 (±4.1) days (median 9.0 vs. 12.5; p=not stated) (13).
In summary, 2 of 3 studies described a benefit of enzyme therapy. In contrast, the study with the highest quality, which is the only blinded one, described an advantage of the control group. In the presence of inconclusive studies, no recommendation for or against enzyme therapy can be made.
Radiodermatitis and additionally required supportive or analgesics drugs due to cancer treatment. We assessed 4 RCTs and 1 cohort study examining the effect of enzyme therapy on radiodermatitis. Dale et al. included 120 patients with cervical cancer undergoing radiotherapy and evaluated the effects of enzyme therapy on radiodermatitis according to RTOG/EORTC grading. There was a significant difference between the mean maximum extent in favor of the enzyme group with 0.97±0.82 vs. 1.68±0.87 (p<0.001). They found no group difference in the consumption of supportive medication (14). Gujral et al. addressed the maximum expression of the radiodermatitis in 100 patients with head and neck tumor as well as their average grade over time (RTOG/EORTC). The maximum radiodermatitis in the intervention group was significantly lower compared to the control group (1.23±0.75 vs. 2.39±1.10, p<0.0001), measured as a lower level of the area under the curve (3.9±2.9 vs. 9.5±3.9; p=0.0001) and as later appearance (grade II, 6.6±1.6 vs. 5.7±1.4 weeks; p=0.0048) (12). Beuth et al. assessed radiodermatitis in a cohort study with 649 patients with non-metastatic breast cancer. There was a significant mean difference in symptoms in in favor of the intervention group. Treatment success occurred in 38% of patients in the intervention- and 60% in the control group with respect to skin reactions, resulting in a significant difference in favor of the intervention group after adjustment with the propensity score (p=0.006) (15).
Two studies did not find significant effects of enzyme therapy concerning skin complaints and additionally required supportive or analgesic drugs: One assessed dryness and moist skin detachment (p=0.33, p=0.57) (11) and the other assessed epitheliolysis in context of grade (p=0.16) or mean values (p=not stated) (16).
In summary, 3 out of 5 studies described an advantage of enzyme therapy. The other 2 studies did not show a significant result in favor of enzyme therapy. One study showed a non-significant trend in favor of the control group. In the presence of inconclusive studies, no recommendation can be made for or against enzyme therapy.
Pain, swelling, edema and associated quality of life. We assessed 3 RCTs examining the effect of enzyme therapy on pain, swelling, edema and the associated quality of life. Tan et al. assessed 72 patients with malignant hematological diseases, who had undergone prophylactic wisdom tooth extraction. Pain was assessed by visual analogue scale. At day 1, 3 and 7, there were significant differences in favor of the intervention group (p=0.013, p=0.019, p=0.044). This study also compared the limitation of mouth opening due to swelling. There was a significant difference in favor of the intervention group (p<0.0001). Quality of life, assessed one week after tooth extraction by the modified postoperative symptom severity scale (PoSSE with 7 dimensions: food, language, feeling, swelling, pain, nausea, and daily living.), showed significant differences in favor of the intervention group in all categories (17). Swelling, documented by imaging, also was significant in favor of the intervention group (p<0.0001) (17). Kasseroller et al. examined 88 patients with breast cancer with secondary lymphedema due to axillary lymphonodectomy. There was no significant difference in volume or skinfold thickness as a parameter for fibrosis between the two groups after 45 days in the upper arm. Similar results were reported for the lower arm, hand and third finger, with a slight advantage for the intervention in the lower arm and hand, without further statistical evaluation. A significant advantage for the intervention group was found in skin tension as assessed by the investigator on a rating scale from 0 to 3 (baseline: 2.0; day 45: 0.4 vs. 1.8; day 45: 0.5;) (18). Wrbka et al. evaluated the success of therapy from 51 patients with bronchopulmonary carcinoma based on a constant or improved X-ray image. With regard to quality of life, a benefit was shown the intervention group. No statistical data was provided for this result (19).
Overall, the study situation for postoperative edema and lymphedema is poor, with only one study each. Nevertheless, it can be said that enzymes seem to have a benefit for postoperative edema, whereas this is not the case for lymphedema. In terms of quality of life, the assessment is positive in both studies. A final recommendation for or against enzyme therapy cannot be given due to the limited number of studies and qualitative limitations of the studies.
Gastrointestinal complaints and urogenital side-effects due to cancer treatment. We assessed 2 RCTs and 1 cohort study examining the endpoint gastrointestinal complaints and 1 of them regarding urogenital side-effects and side-effects or damage on the vaginal mucosa as well. Martin et al. and Dale et al. evaluated different toxicity parameters from 56 and 120 patients during radiotherapy treatment by RTOG/EORTC grading. No significant difference for severity of diarrhea (p=0.11) and other gastrointestinal side-effects (p=0.12) was found between the intervention- and the control group (14, 16).
Beuth et al. described a significant difference in favor of the intervention group for gastrointestinal symptoms of their breast cancer patients under antineoplastic therapy (primary surgical treatment, radiation, adjuvant systemic endocrine or/and chemotherapy, N=649, 0.27 vs. 0.11; p=0.005). Treatment success, defined as a total suspension of symptoms (nausea, vomiting, changes in appetite, stomach pain or stomach disorder), was also in favor of the intervention (p=0.042) (15). Dale et al. (patients in both arms received 50±60 Gy of external beam radiation in 25±30 fractions over a period of 5 weeks, followed by intra-cavitary brachytherapy at a dose of 20±30 Gy using a BARC applicator) assessed acute urogenital side-effects according to the RTOG/EORTC grading of their 120 cervical cancer patients under radiation therapy, with a significant difference in favor of the intervention group (0.93±0.52 vs. 1.38±0.56; p<0.001) (14). No significant differences were found for side-effects or damage to the vaginal mucosa (p=0.10) (14).
Considering the limited evidence of these studies, enzyme therapy might have benefit for urogenital adverse events, whereas the study evidence for gastrointestinal conditions is conflicting. No benefit was found for vaginal mucosa.
Therapy discontinuations and other side-effects due to antineoplastic therapy. Four RCTs and 2 cohort studies assessed further side-effects and therapy continuations due to antineoplastic therapy. Beuth et al. evaluated mean values and treatment success of specific symptoms from 649 patients by comparing them with previously collected basic values. A significant reduction in symptoms compared to the control group was detected for mental side-effects, dyspnea, headache and cachexia (all p<0.05). No significant differences were found for tumor pain and infections. A complete cessation of symptoms in favor of the intervention group arose for cachexia (65% vs. 7%; p=0.008) but not for mental side-effects, dyspnea, headache, tumor pain and infections (15). Popiela et al. (patients with colorectal cancers under antineoplastic therapy; primary surgical treatment, adjuvant systemic chemotherapy, radiotherapy) evaluated the number of adverse reactions of 1,242 patients. There was a slight superiority of the intervention-group between the groups (0.6339; p<0.0001) (20).
Two studies did not find any group differences in terms of toxicity parameters (11, 16). Regarding therapy discontinuation, 2 studies evaluated the rate of discontinuations of treatment or interruption of the radiation therapy due to side-effects. Wrbka et al. reported 2 therapy interruptions in the intervention- vs. 9 in the control group and found a therapy improvement (quality of life and stable or improved X-ray image) of 68% in the intervention- compared to 57.96% in the control group (p=not stated) (19). Another study found no significant advantage of the intervention group in relation to therapy interruptions. Martin et al. (16).
In these heterogeneous studies, some significant reductions in specific adverse events were observed. A comparison is difficult, as some of these are combined symptom complexes. With regard to treatment interruptions, two studies came to opposite conclusions. Overall, no recommendation can be made for enzyme therapy.
Tolerability of cancer treatment. We assessed 2 RCTs and one cohort study examining the tolerability of the cancer therapy. Popiela et al. analyzed the disease- and treatment-specific symptoms (summarized symptom complex consisting of 19 points) of 1,242 patients during and after antineoplastic therapy compared to the previously assessed baseline using Mann-Whitney tests. There was a slight superiority of the enzyme therapy between the arms (MWS statistics 0.6077; p<0.0001). The tolerability and safety of cancer therapy, assessed by the physician using a five-point ordinal scale, resulted in a strong superiority of the intervention group (MWS statistics 0.7471; p<0.0001). Changes in mean value of existing symptoms also became significant with a mean superiority of the intervention group (MWS statistics 0.6478; p<0.0001). The endpoint “Proportion of patients without therapy complaints” showed no significant difference between the groups (MWS statistics 0.5440; p=0.0798). There was a significant reduction of treatment side-effects caused by chemo- and radiotherapy with a mean superiority of the intervention group (MWS statistics 0.6721; p<0.0001). The endpoint Performance Index and Karnofsky Index during therapy did not reveal any significant difference between the groups (20). Stauder et al. evaluated the influence of enzyme treatment on the dose of the radiation treatment, on the general status and on the side-effects of radiotherapy. In this study, only total numbers are given, and no statistical evaluation was carried out for any endpoint. The authors state that a higher dose of radiation was tolerated in the intervention group and overall higher doses were applied in this group. They present numbers for the occurrence and severity of radiation side-effects and the average tolerance, but the results cannot be interpreted due to missing statistical analysis (21). Wrbka et al. (N=51) evaluated if additional enzyme administration improved tolerance of chemotherapy. On average, all patients, including a subgroup of patients, with a survival time of more than 6 months, received a higher number of chemotherapy transfusions (mean number of treatments 6.88 vs. 4.50; 11 vs. 3.37) (19).
In conclusion, enzyme therapy seems to have a benefit in terms of tolerability, improved adherence to the treatment protocol, but not with respect to symptom resolution and on physical fitness. However, the results are from two non-blinded RCT’s and one cohort study, so further studies are needed for a final recommendation.
Response to treatment. Two RCTs and 1 cohort study assessed the endpoint therapy course. Gujral et al. (N=100) found no significant difference in disease response, divided into complete/good-, moderate- and poor/no response, of their head- and neck cancer patients between intervention- and control group after 8 weeks (p=0.23) and 5-6 months (p=0.76) (12). Stauder et al. compared the influence of enzyme therapy on the cancer therapy of 68 patients. The assessment of treatment result was reported by the treating physician and patients divided into grades from 1 to 6. There was a trend in favor of the control group, but no further statistical analysis was conducted (21). Sakalova et al. compared the response to chemotherapy of 265 patients with multiple myeloma. The proportion of patients in stage III who did not respond to chemotherapy was significantly lower in the intervention group (3.7% vs. 38.9%; p≤0.001) (22).
These 3 studies, with cancer entities differing from each other, came to heterogeneous conclusions. Patients with multiple myeloma showed a better response to therapy, while there was no improvement in head and neck cancer patients and even a (non-significant) trend in favor of the control group in patients with abdominal cancer. The evidence does not allow a recommendation for or against enzyme therapy.
Disease-specific survival, remission, cancer recurrence or metastases. One RCT and 3 cohort studies assessed the endpoint disease-specific survival, remission, cancer recurrence or metastases. Sakalova et al. compared the median survival time, time to recurrence of cancer or metastases in 265 patients with multiple myeloma. Patients in the subgroup of stage III cancers had a significant longer median survival time in the intervention group (83 months vs. 47 months; p=0.0014), this corresponds to a lifetime gain of about 3 years. A significant stage-adjusted increase of lifetime across all stages could be proven in favor of the intervention group (p=0.0003). Moreover, concerning the overall mortality (including non-myeloma-related deaths) in stage III, the intervention group showed a median advantage of survival of 33 months over the control group (p=0.0059). A multivariate analysis showed that the risk of death could be reduced by 60% (p=0.0011) due to enzyme therapy, taking various possible influences into account (stage, age etc.). The authors also came upon with a significant advantage of the intervention group for remission rate and stable findings across all stages (97.6% vs. 69.7%; p=0.001) and the duration of initial remission or stable state in stage II and III patients (III: 37.7 months vs. 11.6 months; p=not stated) (22). Popiela et al. found an advantage of survival time in the intervention group of their patients with colorectal cancer (N=1,242, 34.1 months vs. 14.5 months; plog-rank=0.0025) for patients with Dukes D cancer stage. The authors report similar trends in Dukes B and C stages (20). Wrbka et al. (N=51) showed a difference in survival time in the subgroup of patients with a survival time of more than 6 months (20 vs. 16.3 months for the intervention group; p=not stated) (19). Another study ascertained no significant difference in mean survival time in the postoperative period between the two arms of their breast cancer patients (N=649). There was no statistical analysis in terms of overall recurrence of cancer and metastases in intervention- and control group. A significant difference was detected in the time to cancer recurrence or metastasis between intervention- and control group (1,818 days vs. 1,702 days; p=0.0055; metastasis 1,738 days vs. 1665 days; p=0.0475) (15).
With respect to impact on the development of the cancer, all studies supported a significant benefit of enzyme therapy. A negative influence or trend was not observed in any study. Due to some restrictions of the available studies, as mentioned in the discussion afterwards, no recommendation for enzyme therapy can be given. More high-quality studies are needed.
Side-effects of enzyme therapy. Five RCTs, 3 cohort studies and 2 single-arm studies assessed side-effects of enzyme therapy. Regarding oral application, Kasseroller et al., Beuth et al., Popiela et al., Sakalova et al. and Dale et al. reported mainly gastrointestinal complaints in their studies (like diarrhea and nausea) ranging from mild to moderate severity, which sometimes led to the discontinuation of the affected participants (14, 15, 18, 20, 22). Surprisingly, in Dale et al. the patients in the control group tended to experience more symptoms (11.7% vs. 31.6%, p=0.12) (14). Gujral et al. and Lahousen et al. could not detect any side-effects of enzyme therapy (12, 23).
Two further studies carried out the application of enzymes partially or completely parenterally. Kesztele et al. (single-arm, bronchial carcinoma) reported that enzyme enema was well tolerated and only single perianal eczema occurred (24). Petru et al. described only 3 patients with moderate upper abdominal pain and 2 patients with meteorism of their 57 participants (25).
Wrbka et al. evaluated the tolerability of enzyme therapy as oral dugs, enema and intrapleural application. In 67 patients 87.3% showed a good tolerance of the enema. In 4 patients, the application was limited due to sphincter weakness and about 12.7% (8 patients) discontinued the treatment due to gastrointestinal side-effects like meteorism, diarrhea and nausea. Out of 58 patients, 71.4% (30 patients) showed good tolerability for the oral formula, whereas about 28.6% (12 patients) discontinued the treatment and in about 27% no assessment was possible, because these subjects stopped taking the tablets of their own accord or provided incorrect information in the studies. Therefore, no result could be ultimately assessed. For the tolerability of the local intrapleural application data of 33 patients were available, 96.9% of these showed a good tolerability and only about 3.1% stopped the treatment (19). Regarding the side-effects of enzyme therapy, all studies did not have any higher-grade side-effects.
The studies included are very heterogeneous in terms of design, dosage of oral enzymes, patient characteristics and cancer treatment. Accordingly, the results are also heterogeneous. It is noticeable that especially blinded studies come to non-significant trends or even no differences between the treatment groups.
Two out of 3 studies, 1 including patients having carcinoma of the oral cavity (13) and another with head and neck cancer (12), undergoing radiotherapy reported a benefit of enzyme therapy regarding (oral) mucositis. One of the 2 also described a beneficial effect on the duration of mucositis (12). This could be mainly explained by the anti-inflammatory and fibrinolytic activity of enzymes, whereby toxic products are diminished more easily (13), or rather by a modulation of the anti-inflammatory enzyme cascades, like a reduction of the TGF-b levels and scavenging of free radicals (12). In contrast, 1 study involving patients with oropharyngeal carcinoma (11) did not show any difference in the maximum expression of mucositis - it has even been a significant advantage for the control group, as mucositis was more likely to occur earlier in the enzyme group (11). An earlier occurrence of mucositis in the intervention group was also mentioned in the study by Vinzenz et al. (13). Altogether, the diverging results seem to depend on the study design, since the unblinded studies show a positive effect or at least a trend in favor of the intervention group (12, 13), whereas the blinded study comes to an opposite result (11). To sum up, despite some hypotheses on the molecular pathways triggered by proteolytic enzymes, the evidence on oral mucositis during radiotherapy does not support the clinical usage but even might speaks against it due to a risk of harm for the patients due to an earlier onset. Supplementary it should be mentioned that enzymes have not shown any benefit with regard to mucositis of the vaginal mucosa by patients with cervical carcinoma (14).
Radiodermatitis was evaluated in 5 studies, 3 of which showed a positive response to enzyme therapy (12, 14, 15). The other 2 studies do not provide significant results for erythema of the skin, dryness or moist skin desquamation (11) and 1 of them showed even a non-significant trend towards less epitheliolysis in the control group (16). In one study, it has to be noted that a clear result in favor of control group turned to a result in favor of intervention group after adjustment with propensity score (15). Again, blinding might have an impact on the result, because the blinded studies showed no benefit. Overall, the results on dermatitis are heterogeneous and no recommendation can be derived.
Other specific side-effects of cancer treatment were assessed in 5 studies (11, 14-16, 20) with mostly no difference between the intervention- and control group. Again the only blinded study on gastrointestinal side-effects is the least supporting of enzyme therapy, as it shows a trend to an advantage for the control group (16).
The 2 studies assessing quality of life in context of swelling and pain after wisdom tooth extraction (17) and in lung cancer patients (19) have serious methodological drawbacks. Another study dealt with lymphedema due to lymph node removal (18). This study did not show a significant difference – except for skin tension which was rated by the investigator. In summary all 3 studies concerning edema and quality of life have methodological drawbacks such as no information on drop-out/attrition, unclear/questionable randomization processes (17, 18), lack of correction for multiple testing, doubtful blinding (17) or no statistical evaluation at all (19). As a result, the evidence on quality of life, edema and swelling is insufficient.
Three studies assessing the influence of enzymes on the tolerability and safety of cancer treatment therapy report a trend to an improved treatment tolerability, based on a reduction of defined symptoms, improvement of safety/tolerability, number, occurrence and/ or intensity of adverse events (19-21). Yet, only one of them provides a statistical analysis (20). The study by Popiela et al. came to heterogeneous results in the subgroups. A relevant drawback of this study is that the patients also used diverse other CAM methods which seem to have influenced the results (20). Due to missing statistical evaluation and unclear differences in the groups at baseline in the other studies no conclusion on the effectiveness of proteolytic enzymes with respect to tolerability and safety can be made.
The course of treatment was evaluated in 5 studies (12, 16, 19, 21, 22), only one of which found a positive effect that was statistically supported. This study with multiple myeloma patients showed significantly fewer non-responders to the intervention group. Yet, there were significant differences at baseline between laboratory parameters, treatment regimens and the evaluation took place in only one subgroup. Furthermore, study patients were assessed in the control group, if they took enzymes for less than 6 months (22). In the study by Stauder et al. compatibility and therapy result were evaluated by physicians and patients in favor of the control group, without providing statistical data. The explanation for the negative effect on the intervention group given by the authors was the probably exaggerated expectation on enzyme therapy (21). Also with respect to compatibility, only unblinded studies are in favor of enzyme therapy while the only blinded study shows an opposite trend (16).
Four studies delivered results on disease-specific survival, remissions and the recurrence of cancer (15, 19, 20, 22). Two of them showed a significant advantage of survival for the intervention group (20, 22) and 1 of the 2 indicated additionally that therapy response and remission rate are superior in the intervention group (22). On the other hand, a study monitoring breast cancer patients showed no advantage in mean survival, but a significant difference in time to metastasis or cancer recurrence (15). The study of Wrbka et al. on patients with bronchopulmonary carcinomas stated that the survival time in the intervention group was slightly better, but did not provide any statistical data (19). Overall, the available studies show a benefit for enzyme therapy. But this result should be treated with caution, as it based on 3 cohort studies and an open randomized controlled trial from the 1970s. The methodological quality of the studies has several limitations, e.g., no blinding, relevant baseline differences and study protocols containing switches between the intervention and control group, so that an influence of certain co-factors cannot be ruled out. Moreover, most of the study results refer to subgroups out of all study participants.
Overall, enzyme therapy is considered as rather safe according to the present evidence. No serious side-effects occurred, and only slight gastrointestinal side-effects were described (12, 14, 15, 18-20, 22-25). However, one case of circulatory shock occurring in the Netherlands under enzyme tablets and injections is worth mentioning (26). One study evaluated the perioperative bleeding risk with enzyme therapy and compared it with diclofenac use. In this comparison, there was no increased risk of bleeding (27). Nevertheless, the manufacturers recommend discontinuation before a planned operation.
Limitations of this review. There are some limitations of this systematic review which have to be mentioned. First, we excluded studies concerning children or teenager and only analyzed studies with adult patients. Besides, only studies in English or German were included. This means that the search for enzymes in connection with the treatment of cancer can still be expanded in further research.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the only existing systematic review of enzyme therapies to date. Based on carefully constructed search strings, it reflects the current clinical state of science.
Despite several clinical studies, the evidence on supportive treatment with proteolytic enzymes is scarce due to serious methodological drawbacks of most studies. Accordingly, despite interesting hypotheses on molecular mechanisms which might explain positive effects on cancer disease and side-effects of treatment, no compelling final assessment can be reached. There are partially significant results in terms of mucositis, radiodermatitis, quality of life, tolerability of therapy, survival and metastasis with a profile of low side-effects, mainly in the form of moderate gastrointestinal complaints. A negative influence on the basic therapy could not be observed in any study. Overall, no recommendation for or against enzyme therapy can be given. Stringently planned RCTs of high quality are mandatory.
The work of Sabine Kutschan and Jennifer Dörfler was funded in parts (search of the literature, title-abstract screening) by the German Guideline “S3 Leitlinie Komplementärmedizin in der Behandlung von onkologischen PatientInnen (Registernummer 032 - 055OL)” funded by the German Cancer Aid (Fördernummer 11583) within the German Guideline Program in Oncology.
This article is freely accessible online.
Authors’ Contributions
All authors met all of the following criteria: i) Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work. ii) Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectually content. iii) Final approval of the version to be published. iv) Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Conflicts of Interest
The Authors report no conflicts of interest or financial ties to disclose. The Authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of this article.
- Received May 13, 2021.
- Revision received May 29, 2021.
- Accepted June 2, 2021.
- Copyright © 2021 International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. George J. Delinasios), All rights reserved.