Background/Aim. We retrospectively investigated the prognostic potential (correlation with overall survival) of 9 shape and 21 textural features from non-contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. Materials and Methods. We considered a public dataset of 203 individuals with inoperable, histologically- or cytologically-confirmed NSCLC. Three-dimensional shape and textural features from CT were computed using proprietary code and their prognostic potential evaluated through four different statistical protocols. Results. Volume and grey-level run length matrix (GLRLM) run length non-uniformity were the only two features to pass all four protocols. Both features correlated negatively with overall survival. The results also showed a strong dependence on the evaluation protocol used. Conclusion: Tumour volume and GLRLM run-length non-uniformity from CT were the best predictor of survival in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer. We did not find enough evidence to claim a relationship with survival for the other features.
Much research in recent years has focused on the identification of reliable prognostic factors to enable personalised care for patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) (1-3). Among them, the assessment of tumour heterogeneity through shape and textural features from imaging data has been receiving increasing attention. It is in fact generally believed that heterogeneity is associated with adverse biology, and, ultimately, poor prognosis and worse response to therapy (4-6).
Computed tomography (CT) is usually the front-line imaging approach in many neoplastic disorders, and, as such, also the primary source of baseline data for most patients with NSCLC. The use of CT-derived features as potential biomarkers to predict survival in patients with NSCLC has, therefore, elicited intense research interest in recent years (7-8).
Ganeshan and Miles were among the first to suggest that textural features from CT could be correlated with tumour metabolism and stage (4). Since then various authors have investigated the subject obtaining different – sometimes diverging – results. Aerts et al. for instance analysed 440 radiomic features on a dataset of 1,019 individuals with lung and head-and-neck cancer and found that 238 features yielded a significant survival difference (9). They also noted that features describing heterogeneity correlated with worse survival in all the datasets considered. Fried et al. retrospectively investigated 91 patients with stage III NSCLC treated with radio- and chemotherapy and concluded that predictive models incorporating textural features from CT and conventional prognostic factors outperformed those based on the latter alone (10). Hayano et al. found strong correlation between histogram intensity features (mean and entropy) and overall survival on a cohort of 35 patients with advanced NSCLC treated with chemotherapy (11). Coroller et al. evaluated 635 radiomics features from pre-treatment CT scans in patients with lung adenocarcinoma and determined that 35 features were prognostic for distant metastasis and 12 for survival (12).
On the other hand, however, Sacconi et al. did not find any statistically significant correlation between CT textural features and survival in patients with adenocarcinoma (13), whereas only 1 of the 329 texture and non-textural features examined by Balagurunathan et al. emerged as statistically significant in separating an independent dataset into low- and high-risk groups of patients with NSCLC (14). It is also not uncommon – and this is quite surprising, if not alarming – for the same feature to be linked both positively and negative outcome in different studies: entropy for instance was significantly associated with favourable outcome (overall survival) in the study of Win et al. (15) and unfavourable in that of Hayano et al. (11).
It has been argued that most of these discrepancies can be explained by the different statistical criteria used. Chalkidou et al., for instance, scrutinised 15 research articles and found insufficient evidence to claim a relationship of PET- and CT-derived features with patient survival (16). More recently, McQuaid et al. took things further and showed that p-values for measurements in studies on texture in CT are very sensitive on factors such as the selection of the optimal cut-off values and the length of the follow-up period (17).
The objective of this work was to evaluate experimentally the potential of 30 CT-derived features (nine shape features and 21 textural features) as prognostic biomarkers in NSCLC. For reproducible research purposes, the analysis was carried out on a publicly available dataset.
Materials and Methods
We considered 203 conventional (non-contrast-enhanced) baseline CT scans from as many individuals with inoperable, histologically or cytologically confirmed NSCLC. This patient series is a subset of the ‘NSCLC-Radiomics’ collection, which is publicly accessible at the Cancer Imaging Archive (18), and all necessary approvals and authorizations were obtained at the institutions where the data were collected (9). Of the 422 patients originally included in the aforementioned dataset, we retained those for which both a pre-treatment (baseline) CT scan and manual segmentation of the lesion were available (n=318) (samples shown in Figure 1). We further discarded 45 cases that either did not allow for correct reconstruction of the 3D volume of the lesion or for which the segmentation provided was patently wrong or dubious. Another 70 cases for which only contrast-enhanced CTs were available were also removed from the study. The tumour and patient characteristics of the series are summarised in Table I; further details about the image acquisition protocol and related settings are available elsewhere (9).
For image analysis, we used nine shape and 21 textural features (Table II). Image pre-processing involved windowing to a central value of 50 HU and width of 300 HU [same settings as in (19)] and linear resampling to 256 levels (1 level≈1.2 HU). No further pre-processing steps such as filtering or contrast enhancement were applied.
The nine shape features were: volume (the total volume of the lesion), sphericity (ratio between the area of the surface of a sphere with the same volume V as the object and the area A of the surface of the object – in our implementation we considered V as the total number of voxels in the lesion and A the number of voxels in the outer shell of the lesion), rectangular fit (ratio between the volume of the lesion and the volume of the minimal rectangular bounding box), three mass shape factors (relative elongation of the lesion along the three principal axes – i.e. ratios between the eigenvalues of the inertia matrix of the lesion weighted by the intensity level) and three volume shape factors (same as the mass shape factors, but non-weighted by the intensity level).
The textural features belonged to four groups as detailed below.
Seven first-order statistics: entropy (9), mean (20), mean of positive values (21), standard deviation (20), skewness (20), kurtosis (20) and uniformity (21);
Six features from an isotropic three-dimensional grey-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) with displacement of 1 pixel averaged over 26 directions: contrast, correlation, dissimilarity, energy, entropy and homogeneity (9).
Three features from a neighbourhood grey-tone difference matrix (NGTDM) with the same neighbourhood settings as in GLCM: coarseness, contrast and texture strength (22). With respect to the original formulation, a normalisation factor was introduced to guarantee that the features were independent of the number of voxels in the lesion.
Four features from a grey-level run-length matrix (GLRLM) with the same directions as GLCM: grey-level non-uniformity, long runs emphasis, run length non-uniformity and short runs emphasis (23).
Statistical analysis. To assess the predictive power of the image features described above, we employed two forms of analysis that are commonly used in related studies (11, 15, 17, 19, 21): Cox proportional hazards univariate regression analysis and Kaplan–Meier survival analysis. The results of the two tests were combined using four different evaluation protocols as described below. The endpoint was the overall survival in all the test performed. We considered a Cox's univariate regression model as follows: (Eq. 1) where h(t) is the hazard function (probability of an individual who is under observation experiencing an event at time t), h0(t) the hazard at the baseline, β the coefficient and X the explanatory variable – which in this case represents the radiomic feature the predictive power of which is being investigated. We computed the baseline hazard at the average of X (indicate as ‘x’ below), therefore the hazard rate at t can be expressed as follows: (Eq. 2) A value for a feature which is higher than the average is associated with a higher hazard ratio (HR) when β>0 (HR>1) and a lower hazard when β<0 (HR<1).
For Kaplan–Meier survival analysis, we adopted an optimal cut-off approach to dichotomize the population into high- and low-risk group. This was done by testing a set of K=7 candidate cut-off points Ck, k ∈ {1,…,K} corresponding to the 20th, 30th, 40th,…,80th percentiles of the distribution of each feature considered. For each Ck, we estimated the Kaplan–Meier survival curves of the resulting high-and low-risk group and compared them through log-rank test. For each feature, we finally retained the cut-off value that yielded the highest significance (lowest p-value).
We analysed the results of the two statistical models described above according to the following four evaluation protocols (sorted from the least to the most strict):
Protocol A: This model only considered the results of the Kaplan–Meier survival analysis. The significance level was α=0.05. No correction for multiple tests was applied.
Protocol B: Same as in A, but with correction for multiple tests. The significance level was adjusted using the most conservative (lowest α after correction) between Bonferroni and Benjamini–Hochberg procedure.
Protocol C: A feature was considered significant when all the following conditions were satisfied: i) significant according to model B; ii) significant according to Cox univariate regression (α=0.05), and iii) the feature correlated either positively or negatively with good outcome in both Cox's regression and Kaplan–Meier analyses.
Protocol D: Same as in C, but with a significance level α=0.01 instead of α=0.05 for both tests.
The overall results of Cox univariate regression and Kaplan–Meier survival analysis are summarised in Table III; the performance of the radiomic features in each of the four evaluation protocols is reported in Table I. As can be seen, evaluation protocol A returned 17 statistically significant features: volume; mass shape factor I, II and III; rectangular fit; mean; mean of positive values; kurtosis; GLCM contrast, dissimilarity and homogeneity; NGTDM coarseness, contrast and texture strength; GLRLM grey-level non-uniformity, run-length non-uniformity and run percentage. Four of them, namely mean, mean of positive values, NGTDM texture strength and GLRLM grey-level non-uniformity were positively correlated with outcome, whereas all the remaining ones were negatively correlated. However, after applying correction for multiple tests (protocol B), the set of significant features were reduced to volume, mean, mean of positive values and GLRLM run-length non-uniformity. Combined application of Cox's regression and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis (protocol C) further limited the number of significant features from four to two, namely, volume and GLRLM run-length non-uniformity. These two features were still significantly positively associated with outcome after reducing the threshold from α=0.05 to α=0.01 (protocol D).
Prior work has advocated the use of image features from CT as prognostic bio-markers in NSCLC (9-11, 14). Recent articles, however, have reported insufficient evidence to support any such relationships, suggesting – by contrast – that there could be a potentially high number of false discoveries (type-I errors) due to a number of factors such as small sample size and inappropriate data analysis (16-17).
Our calculations actually seem to confirm that the results can be strongly dependent on the statistical analysis performed. By using four different evaluation protocols, we found that the outcome was in fact quite different, with the number of statistically significant features ranging from two to 17. The two features that reached statistical significance in all the tests were volume and GLRLM run-length non-uniformity. These results are in agreement with other findings available in the current literature – see for instance articles (24, 25) on volume and (14) on GLRLM run-length non-uniformity. It should, however, be noted that these two features were strongly correlated (R2=0.89) in our study [see also Fave et al. on this point (19)]. This casts doubts on whether GLRLM run-length non-uniformity can actually provide additional information compared to volume alone.
It is also worth commenting on the magnitude of the effects and potential clinical value of volume and GLRLM run-length non-uniformity. As for the volume, our study indicated an increased relative risk (Table III – right) of negative outcome of about 48% per 1 cm3 increment of lesion volume. This is a value not far from those reported by Zhang et al. (24). The effect is, therefore, measurable suggesting that tumour size can actually provide additional predictive information for survival besides other parameters, as other authors have also claimed (24, 25). By contrast, the potential clinical value of GLRLM run-length non-uniformity is more difficult to assess: the increase in the relative risk was in fact lesser in this case (approx. 6% per unit), and – differently from the volume – the unit of measure of this feature has no direct physical interpretation. Further studies are therefore needed to validate the use of this parameter in clinical practice.
In conclusion, previous studies investigating textures features from CT as potential markers for survival and response to treatment in NSCLC suggested that patients with heterogeneous (non-uniform) tumours had poorer survival (21) and lower response to treatment (22). Yet we found insufficient evidence to claim a relationship between heterogeneity and overall survival in this study. Classic textural features that are indicative of heterogeneity (e.g. entropy, standard deviation, GLCM contrast and GLCM correlation) failed to reach statistical significance in our calculations. Likewise, the average tissue density, which was considered significant in previous studies (11), gave divergent results in this work.
Another suggestive finding is the strong dependence of the outcome on the evaluation protocol used. In our study, the number of statistically significant features varied from 2 to 17 when switching from the tightest to the loosest protocol. We observed that the simple adjustment of the significance level through correction for multiple tests reduced the number of significant features approximately fourfold. This results seem to confirm – on a quantitative basis – the concerns recently raised by Chalkidou et al. (16), namely the risk of type-I error inflation and, consequently, of increased false-discovery rates in studies with radiomic features.
- Received January 24, 2018.
- Revision received February 15, 2018.
- Accepted February 26, 2018.
- Copyright© 2018, International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. George J. Delinasios), All rights reserved