Figure 5. Comparison of the main classes of organic extract components between untreated parsley root (PW) and a parsley root extract (PWE, 100 mg/ml, according to Luyengi et al.). The mean values are shown from 3 measurements, expressed as a percentage of the total ion intensity (TI). LIPID=Alkanes, alkenes, aldehydes, alcohols, fatty acids, n-alkyl esters, waxes, fats; NCOMP=N-containing compounds; ISOPR=isoprenoid compounds (sterols, terpenes, carotenoids); PEPTI=peptides and free amino acids; LOWMW=low molecular weight compounds m/z 15 to 56; POLYPH=other polyphenols (suberin, cutin, stilbene, tannins, etc.).