Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the residual tumor measured on magnetic resonance imaging and pathological results and to assess whether this correlation varies according to patient, tumor or chemotherapy characteristics. Patients and Methods: The study population included women treated for breast cancer with indication of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in our tertiary breast cancer Unit between January 2008 and December 2011. Factors related to patients, tumor and chemotherapy were studied. Pearson's correlation coefficient between the size of the tumor on MRI and pathological response was calculated for the entire population. It was also calculated according to patient, tumor and chemotherapy characteristics. Results: During the study period, 107 consecutive women were included. The size of residual tumor on the MRI significantly correlated with the size on pathological result with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.52 (p<0.001). The correlation was stronger for women aged 50 years and older (r=0.64, p<0.001) and for post-menopausal women (r=0.61, p<0.001). The correlation was stronger for those with triple-negative tumors (r=0.69, p=0.002) but weaker for those with tumors with a ductal carcinoma in situ component (r =0.18, p=0.42). Conclusion: The size of breast cancer obtained by MRI is significantly correlated to the pathological size of the tumor. This correlation was stronger among women aged 50 years and more, among post-menopausal women, and among women who had triple-negative tumors.
With 52,600 new cases in 2010, breast cancer remains the most frequent type of cancer among women in France (1). For locally advanced tumors, neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) aiming to reduce the size of the tumor, followed by surgery has become the standard-of-care: an inoperable tumor may become operable or eligible for breast-conserving surgery without negatively affecting the patient's outcome. After NAC, breast cancer extent (residual tumor volume) and the will of the patient are taken into account to choose between conservative and radical surgery.
Residual tumor volume can be assessed by physical examination, mammography, ultrasonography or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Recent studies have shown that MRI is superior to conventional radiology and palpation for the evaluation of residual disease and for monitoring the response to NAC (2-4). Indeed the Pearson correlation coefficient is higher for the MRI (r=0.896 and r=0.749) than for the clinical examination, mammography or ultrasonography (5, 6). Authors noticed that criteria such as the age of the patient and the pathological type of tumor can affect the accuracy of MRI with, for example, a better match for triple-negative or positive with HER2 tumors (7-9).
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the correlation, after NAC, between the size of residual tumor for breast cancer measured on MRI and the size of the residual tumor on pathological examination and then determine if this correlation varied according to patient, tumor or chemotherapy characteristics. Accuracy of the MRI in predicting pathological complete response (pCR) was also estimated.
Patients and Methods
Consecutive women with breast cancer treated with NAC in our tertiary breast cancer unit on a 4-year period (1st January 2008 to 31st December 2011) were included. Patients with recurrent breast cancer were excluded.
Factors related to patients, tumor and chemotherapy were studied. Concerning factors related to patients: age, body mass index (BMI) and menopausal status were studied. Concerning factors related to the tumor: the histological type, the presence of hormone receptors, the expression of the receptor for human epidermal growth factor 2 (HER2) were studied. The size of the tumor, both clinically and on the MRI, before (baseline) and after NAC, were studied. Breast MRI was performed with a high-field MR imager (1.5 T), using breast-dedicated bilateral surface coil with the patient in prone position (Siemens Healthcare, Germany). MRI was interpreted by an experienced breast radiologist during the weekly multidisciplinary staff meeting. Tumor size was the longest axis of the tumor. At the end of therapy, the longest diameter of residual enhancement foci at the site of the original lesion was measured. When the tumor was multifocal, the longest axis of all tumors was measured. Imaging complete response on MRI was defined as no visible residual disease with contrast uptake on post treatment MRI. Concerning treatment characteristics, chemotherapy regimen (anthracycline-, taxane-, or cisplatin-containing chemotherapy, trastuzumab for patients with HER2-negative tumor, bevacizumab (13)) were studied. The type of breast and axillary surgery were also studied. Finally, the pathological results were studied: the size of the tumor and the presence of lymph node metastases. pCR was defined as complete disappearance of invasive carcinoma and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Tumors were stratified into molecular subtypes using immunohistochemical surrogate markers. The subtypes were luminal (Estrogen receptor (ER)/ progesterone receptor (PR)-positive, HER2-negative), triple-negative (ER/PR/HER2-negative), or luminal/HER2 hybrid (ER/PR-positive, HER-2-positive).
Statistical analysis. A descriptive study of patients, tumors and treatments was carried out initially. Pearson's correlation coefficient between the tumor size on MRI and pathological tumor size was estimated. Analyses in subgroups according to patient, tumor and chemotherapy characteristics were performed. Finally, the sensitivity and specificity, and the area under the curve for predicting a pCR with MRI were estimated. STATA 10.0 was used to perform statistical analyzes (StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA). A p-value of 0.05 or Iess was considered a significant test result.
Between the 1st of January 2008 and the 31st of December 2011, 107 women had NAC for locally advanced breast cancer at our center. Out of the 107 patients, two women had a contraindication to MRI (claustrophobia and cardiac defibrillator), and for two women results of the MRI were unavailable. The remaining 103 women underwent MRI with dynamic contrast enhancement. One patient did not wish to undergo breast surgery as the tumor response as assessed by the MRI was complete. However, she chose to undergo axillary surgery. Our study population, therefore, included 103 women.
The average patient age was 48.5 years (95% CI=47.7 to 51.9 years), the mean body-mass index was 25.4 (95% CI=24.7 to 26.4). One patient aged 38 years was pregnant at the time of diagnosis, she had given birth by the time NAC was started. Thirty-nine women (35.9%) were postmenopausal at diagnosis.
Tumor characteristics are described on Table I. Regarding the type of NAC, 95 women received anthracycline-based chemotherapy, with an average of three cycles (Table II). Thirteen patients received six cycles of anthracycline. Eighty-seven women received taxane-based chemotherapy, with an average of three cycles. One patient received eight cycles of taxane. As part of their NAC, seven women were included in the Avataxher protocol (10). For tolerance reasons, 2% of women received cisplatin-containing chemotherapy. Regarding surgery, 33.3% of patients underwent conservative surgery and 2.9% underwent sentinel node before axillary dissection (Table I).
Fifteen (14.6%) of patients had complete response seen with MRI, while 30 (29.1%) of the patients had a pCR. The size of the tumors on MRI was significantly correlated with size on pathological results with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.52 for the entire population (p<0.001) (Table III). In our study, the correlation was higher among women of 50 years and older (r=0.64; p<0.001), postmenopausal women (r=0.61; p<0.001) and those with triple-negative tumors (r=0.69; p=0.0002). Pearson's correlation coefficient was 0.18 in the case of a DCIS component (p=0.42). Regarding the accuracy of the MRI for the prediction of pCR, it was predicted with a specificity of 94% and a sensitivity of 36.7% (Table IV). The area under the curve was estimated at 0.66 (95% CI=0.57 to 0.75).
The role of MRI in cases of NAC is crucial. During NAC, it allows evaluation of the therapeutic response. Thus, monitoring of the response allows the type of chemotherapy to be changed if the tumor does not shrink, or the chemotherapy to be interrupted if the tumor progresses. At the end of the treatment, the therapeutic response can be described as complete or partial. This response is an important prognostic factor as a complete response is associated with disease-free and overall survival benefit (14, 15). MRI also helps to choose between conservative and radical surgery. Thus, the surgical strategy is often selected according to the MRI data: radical surgery in cases of fragmentation or in the absence of shrinkage of the tumor; conservative surgery in cases of disappearance or concentric regression response on all the axes of the tumor. Thus, the NAC has allowed to increase the proportion of conservative treatment without reducing the survival of the patient (16).
In our population, the overall correlation was poor, with a Pearson correlation factor of 0.52 (p<0.001). This was lower than the correlation found by Segara et al. (r=0.749), with their study of 69 patients, but closer to the correlation found by Moon et al. (r=0.58), in their study of 195 women (6,8). These differences might be attributed to the difference in measurement of residual tumor. Segara and Moon chose to measure only the residual invasive carcinoma. We chose to measure both invasive and in situ carcinoma.
There was a time when patients with a complete clinical response after NAC were exclusively proposed radiotherapy (17). As local recurrences were more frequent among these women, this strategy was abandoned. These local recurrences were related to many false-negative results of clinical examination. Since then, as the correlation between MRI/pathologic response was found to be stronger than the correlation between clinical examination and pathological response, Ring et al. suggested that after a complete response on the MRI, exclusive radiotherapy was possible (17). Thus, with the perspective of trying to avoid surgery for women with a complete response at MRI, the goal of MRI is to evaluate whether or not surgery is necessary after NAC. As DCIS requires surgery, it is crucial that the DCIS component is taken into account. This is why we chose to measure both invasive and in situ carcinoma on the pathological results.
While the correlation for the global population is low, it is better for women over 50 years (r=0.64; p<0.001), postmenopausal women (r=0.61; p<0.001), those with triple-negative tumors (r=0.69; p=0.0002), and for patients who did not receive anthracycline (r=0.70; p=0.08). Special precautions should also be taken when interpreting the MRI of tumors with a DCIS component (r=0.18; p=0.42). Moon et al. found a better correlation for women aged over 45 years (8). This could be explained by a change in the breast architecture at the time of menopause. As shown by Kollias et al., histological type of tumor varies depending on the age of the patient (18). However, in our population, the histological tumor type did not vary significantly with the age of the women. Thus, in our study, the difference of correlation according to the age cannot be attributed to the histologic variations associated with age.
On the HER2 status and accuracy of the MRI, authors do not agree. For Chen et al. in their study of 51 women, MRI was more efficient among those with HER2-positive tumors (9). On the contrary Moon et al. with their study on 195 cases found MRI was less efficient for HER2-positive tumors. In our population, correlation did not significantly vary according the HER2 status (8) As for Moon et al., we found a stronger correlation for triple-negative tumors (0.69 and 0.78) in our population (8).
For tumors with a DCIS component, the authors are unanimous in stating that MRI is less sensitive in detecting DCIS than in detecting invasive carcinoma. For Faverly et al., the detection rate of DCIS was related to the grade of the tumor: high-grade DCIS was detected by MRI in 92% of cases against only 53% of low-grade DCIS (19).
This study was performed at a Center with much experience of breast carcinology and few studies on the correlation between MRI and pathological results concern that many patients (5). Concerning the methodology chosen, we opted for a correlation study and not one with linear regression. Indeed, the use of linear regression presupposes causality between the two factors and this did not seem appropriate for our study. One limitation of this study is its retrospective design with all its inherent bias.
While all patients in our study underwent an MRI, 6% of patients still underwent surgery twice with necessity for radical surgery after conservative procedures. This is not linked, we believe, to the accuracy of the MRI but the difficulty in obtaining tumor-free margins in cases of non-palpable tumors. In our population, 30 patients had a pCR and only 11 were diagnosed on MRI. This shows the high specificity but low sensitivity of MRI in predicting a pCR. While ultrasonography and mammography underestimate the size of the residual tumor, MRI seems to overestimate the size of the residual tumor. For 19 women, the MRI concluded there was residual tumor, while in fact the pathological response was complete. Studies have evaluated the performance of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron-emission scanning in the evaluation of tumor size after NAC. The accuracy seems worse than that for the MRI due to a high rate of false-negatives (20). Thus, it cannot be recommended for routine practice.
Exclusive radiotherapy after complete response on MRI is not feasible at present due to the poor accuracy of MRI. Breast cancer is a highly heterogeneous disease and only a minority of patients achieve a pCR. However, among women aged 50 years and older, women with triple-negative tumors, and among women who did not receive anthracycline, the MRI results are reliable. MRI findings should be treated with special caution in women whose tumors have a DCIS component.
Conflicts of Interest
The Authors would like to declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
- Received August 1, 2014.
- Revision received October 26, 2014.
- Accepted November 3, 2014.
- Copyright© 2015 International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. John G. Delinassios), All rights reserved